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Posts posted by XphX

  1. Tekkit lite would probably be a better idea, as tekkit isn't going to be updated (for a while at least, as it stands). All you'd have to do is make a map and reset the map at the end of every match. Seeing as tekkit lite doesn't run bukkit, though, this *could* be a bit of a problem. Anyway, your choice.

  2. To any aspiring hosts:

    Don't let this thread and my/any other comments put you off. Just make sure you take everyone's advice on board because it really is useful. I wish I'd seen a post like this before I started mine!

    True that. I stress the negative aspect of hosting in the guide, but once you learn to get past this it's a blast. Otherwise, I wouldn't be trying again, now would I?

  3. Recently I had to shut down a server that I really liked, and wanted to keep going. It was a humble, whitelist server with all the right intentions but all the wrong execution. I'm going to list the five reasons why my server failed, and I urge everyone who reads this to never do the things I did in this list. Don't try this at home, kids.

    Number 5: Be aware (and beware) of what you are getting into.

    Alright, I'm not really in any sort of infraction of this rule. I've run servers part-time-ish before. Never a tekkit server and never something that was meant to last, mostly I'd just do LP's with my friends.

    A few things I was guilty of:

    • Not knowing exactly how I was going to run the server, before I started the server. I didn't know what permissions all my plugins (of which there were few) were, and I didn't know how I planned to distribute them about the mods. I didn't know why factions wasn't working, so I switched to the equally glitchy Towny and started advertising the server before I even knew, 100%, how it worked. This is a bad idea.
    • Not knowing how to take your server "public". Not knowing, basically, what's going to happen to the whitelist you currently keep on your server. Should I take the whitelist off? Should I open applications to everybody? Should I close applications permanently? I HAVE NO IDEA.
    • Pretending the griefers aren't interested. Because they are.

    Beware of the above. They'll sneak up from behind you after you start the server. But once you have those out of the way, you still have these to deal with.

    Number 4: Set down the guidelines for what is banned and what isn't.

    I had a certain player (he knows who he is and he isn't a bad person, I'm just using this as an example) who would use equivalent exchange to his advantage. He was really good at it. He had this really amazing energy condenser/collector/glowstone setup and he was on the verge of making a red matter katar.

    I also had an admin who was strongly anti-Equivalent Exchange. He wanted all the antimatter relays and all the energy collectors, along with the condensers, gone. I was entirely torn who to follow; the player who made a castle out of, like, nothing, or the admin who calls the mod "Over-powered"?

    One thing I should have specified - before the server even started - what was banned, and what wasn't. That way, people who wanted certain items unbanned wouldn't come on the server. You need to know what your target server audience is, before you start the server.

    Number 3: Get 24/7 hosting. Don't host locally. Seriously.

    Hosting locally makes you freak out so bad if anything at all happens to the server. It magnifies your fear tenfold because they aren't messing with someone else's server rack, they are screwing with your laptop. Suddenly, it gets personal.

    Non-24/7, local hosting is really needed for a server like the one I was running. It's the type of server you just get on and play. It's not the type of server you plan to get on in advance, knowing exactly what time it comes up and being primed for when it does. If you want to host a server, I can recommend Fluctis Hosting. (I'm not giving you a link. Google it.)

    Number 2: Don't expect a popular server. Be ready if it happens.

    I broke both those statements. I expected everyone to instantly fall in love with my perfect, tiny 10-slot server. This did not happen. I got about 10ish applications and then, when I reopened them, I had one person apply. One! I was really, really hoping for more.

    I also was not primed if the server did reach a state of relative "popularity". I didn't have a "anti-noob" system setup like I told myself I would, where you would have to get to a certain level to get certain items, like all the real servers do. I barely had permissions set up. The server was charming, but in reality it was a total mess.

    Number 1: Grief happens. Don't panic.

    Eventually, someone will blow something up. Someone else will be pissed.

    Things happen! Even if there is a rule preventing it, it's only a written rule. 12 year old griefers suck. But it happens. You are not invulnerable if you are a small, charming server, even if everyone who comes on the server is greeted warmly. (Although, a really good way to combat griefers is to just be nice to them, before they start griefing. Be proactive. Welcome everyone to the server. Give them a starting kit. It helps.)

    Don't panic when it does happen! A player managed to wriggle past the whitelist (see our first honorary mention) and subsequently blew up our "admin town". Which we had built a nuclear reactor to power.

    The server nearly fell over from the lag. But then, I treated the world like a virus. It wasn't that bad. I had SWatchdog, I could just do a rollback, right?

    No. Instead, I panicked. I treated the server folder as a virus and I tossed it in the trash. This is entirely my fault. If I had an ounce of common sense, I would have not panicked, because this happens. Instead, I decided it was all a failed experiment.

    Honorary Mentions:

    • online-mode: true
    • You don't need worldedit unless it's a CMP server.
    • You do need essentials. You do.
    • Nuclear reactors need to be housed in reinforced stone.
    • 4 Nova Cataclysms are as bad as 1 nuke. Ban them too.
    • Former recuperating griefers should never be given admin. Especially if they have their own server.
    • Don't accept invitations to be head admin of another server if you already have your own.
    • Don't make an "admin town(or palace, or chunk)".

    Everyone should beware these things before starting a server. Otherwise, you could end up like me...

  4. No i went back on 10 mins later and says i was nuked and i died and lost a klien star mk 2, Flying ring, Alchy bag,Gem of density,4 dark matter,10 diamonds,divining rod mk2,dark matter sword,dark matter pick,talaisman of repair,destrustion catalist and a red matter. I tried to go back and collect it but then died a second time in the same way and am very very cross! I am wanting my my belongings that i lost to be returned.Thank you for reading and good day!

    wow O-O

    Hey both of you,

    Please see OP.

    (See you in the future.)

  5. sorry i haven't been on the server lately my laptop charger fucked up so i had to get a new 1

    ill be on tonight...hopefully

    That's fine. The server IS DOWN TODAY though, but on Wednesday it will return - at the special Wednesday 1 & 1/2 hours early! (Sorry, getting ready for an influx of new members and setting up perms, not to mention conducting a let's play, is a big task.)

  6. Hmmm I guess XphX decided to sleep in today or something... lol :P

    Been feeling like crap all afternoon. Sorry. The server was up from 11-11:45 but then I fell sleep and somebody closed my laptop -_-

    srry i havent been on the server i have been sick :( ill try to get on today

    Sorry I didn't have the server up today! I must have caught whatever you have. Hopefully tomorrow I'm 100% and the server stays up even if I'm not.

    IGN: doublelogic

    Experience: Intermediate


  7. Pentium?

    My good lord.

    160 pounds is approx 260 dollars. You should really upgrade to 7 (though it is overpriced) or downgrade to XP, just get out of vista. I don't care if it means windows 8, but that's a bad racket to be a part of.

    If you reaaaaaally don't want a new CPU...

    GPU - http://www.compusa.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=555335&Sku=E145-1564

    This fits in your budget and your mobo. Really, consider it. (Last I checked it was out of stock - try to find a similar one.)

    CPU - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116790&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-_-pla-_-NA-_-NA


    People are still using pentium.

    Try talking like that to my i7-2600K. It won't get you far.

    (On an unrelated note, you link to foxconn? Really?)

  8. do you think you could turn on the server at midday (in American time) because I'm only really getting 1 & a 1/2 hours on it and i don't get much done & if you do i set about making a palace for you & it'll be 5pm for me so i have plenty of time to do the palace & stuff.

    Server is up 1 1/2 hours early on wednesdays now.

    This is your fault.

    Also, Beta signup is back in full swing! You will not get any special benefits as the first 10 except that spiffy [beta] tag by your name!

  9. IGN:pannone

    Experience with servers:exellent

    Experience with tekkit:i know how to do everything

    Experience with towny: great

    Passionate rant as to why you should accept me:i am very kind and friendly and i want to help and make friends

    What is the flight velocity of an unladen swallow?:Ummm not sure

    If you see a person getting high-fived to the face, and this is the second time this week, what do you do?:you tell a admin

    How did you even get this application? We aren't accepting new invites for another two days.

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