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Everything posted by Core_iEmu

  1. IGN: Core_iEmu Experience with servers: I was an op on an old Tekkit server that is no longer up. I was very well liked and appreciated. Experience with Tekkit: I have been playing Tekkit since the beginning. Experience with Towny: I haven't had much experience with Towny but I hope on this server I will become more comfortable with it. Passionate rant I why you should except me: I feel that you should except me as the right person for this job because I have the expeirence to complete the tasks at hand and Am always willing to help a new server start up and make it's rank in this world, P.S. because I'm a Bad*ss (JK) What is the flight velocity of an unladen swallow?: African or European swallow? If I see a person getting high fives in the face, and this is the second time this week, what do you do?: I will sincerely ask the person to stop high fiving this other person in the face and then as I walk away I will high five the man that was high fived in the face. Thank you and goodnight...
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