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About WxAaRoNxW

  • Birthday 03/27/2001

WxAaRoNxW's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. IGN: WxAaRoNxW Age: 13 Do you record: nope Could you donate (does not affect your chances): I can't my mom won't allow it What would you do on the server: I can help players when I played 1 week of playing in this server to get started I never grief not once I never steal I could make redstone contraption Why would you want to join this server: cause it's an interesting server What do you love most about AoTBT: dunno
  2. Your in-game name: WxAaRoNxW What do you think about the server?: It's Awesome Is there anything we could improve on the server?: Well you can add more RAM and a command for where you type in a command and randomly spawn in a far away coordinate
  3. that person that has gem armour is that Twilight Sparkle In My Little Pony yup im right
  4. Could You Add Me In WhiteList IGN:WxAaRoNxW
  5. Age:11 almost 12 IGN:WxAaRoNxW Have you ever been banned, if so, explain why and how many times you have been banned:I have never been banned Why do you think you should join this server (5-6 Sentences):I like joining on a strict whitelist server to keep off griefers and unmature people.I only like joining on a 10 or 20 slots because it makes lag when i join crowded servers.I like active tekkit server so i can play any time.I also like a server that has no griefing and no raiding so that griefers and raiders will stay away from servers like this.I should join this server because whenever i play tekkit in single player i get lonely that's why i like joining tekkit servers Why should we accept you to this server (5-6 Sentences):I can make your server fun by helping newbie i never leave newbies behind when they're asking questions.I always give newbies some advice and some gifts like redmatter,diamonds,tools or maybe what they need.I can help you on reporting griefers i always report griefers when i see one.I can always make some item generator to give newbies some items and stuffs.I also like no banned items(but i want nuke or other explosive to be banned)because usally they banned gem armor(but i never use the explosive of the armor.Also i'm a very very nice guy Have you read and studied the rules:I Have Read and Studied the Rules What will you do for the server (5-6 Sentences)I can help you report griefers or stealers.I can help you make your server fun.I can give newbies some items if they want because some players want their game life to be legit (original).I can help you on designing the spawn if i'm a mod.I'm not a very good builder but i'm a very resourceful guy.I never hurt a player/s (because i'm a very good guy ).
  6. Third Times The Charm Age:11 almost 12 IGN:WxAaRoNxW Have you ever been banned, if so, explain why and how many times you have been banned:I have never been banned Why do you think you should join this server (5-6 Sentences):I like joining on a strict whitelist server to keep off griefers and unmature people.I only like joining on a 10 or 20 slots because it makes lag when i join crowded servers.I like active tekkit server so i can play any time.I also like a server that has no griefing and no raiding so that griefers and raiders will stay away from servers like this.I should join this server because whenever i play tekkit in single player i get lonely that's why i like joining tekkit servers Why should we accept you to this server (5-6 Sentences):I can make your server fun by helping newbie i never leave newbies behind when they're asking questions.I always give newbies some advice and some gifts like redmatter,diamonds,tools or maybe what they need.I can help you on reporting griefers i always report griefers when i see one.I can always make some item generator to give newbies some items and stuffs.I also like no banned items(but i want nuke or other explosive to be banned)because usally they banned gem armor(but i never use the explosive of the armor.Also im a very very nice guy Have you read and studied the rules:I Have Read and Studied the Rules What will you do for the server (5-6 Sentences)I can help you report griefers or stealers.I can help you make your server fun.I can give newbies some items if they want because some players want their game life to be legit (original).I can help you on designing the spawn if i'm a mod.I'm not a very good builder but i'm a very resourceful guy.I never hurt a player/s (because i'm a very good guy ). (This is my third time now hope to see you soon in your tekkit server silenthief and tags ) (btw i'm from Philippines so i guess we usally don't meet) Cya thanks if you accepted my application
  7. Age:11 almost 12 IGN:WxAaRoNxW Have you ever been banned, if so, explain why and how many times you have been banned:I have never been banned Why do you think you should join this server (5-6 Sentences):I should join this server so i can have fun.I can play together with friends on this server.To make some tekkit factory,house and other stuffs.I can help other player that is newbie on EE and Other stuffs.So i can report griefers, stealers and killers to you.I don't like 50-500 slots because it makes me lag and many players.Every time i search for 24/7 no banned items no grief no raid i can only find few so this is the last 1 i see that i can try to Log in Why should we accept you to this server (5-6 Sentences):You should accept me because i am not a griefer .I am a very nice person.I can help people to get started in this server.To make people happy.You should accept me to the server so i can tell you about non followers in rules.I can rebuild the griefed place even doe its full of diamonds and red matter,I can take the risk even its hard because im a very very nice.I can also answer the newbies question Have you read and studied the rules:I Have Read and Studied the Rules What will you do for the server (5-6 Sentences)I can help report griefers.I can help you and newbies.I can advertise your server for the players who needs a server.I can make projects.I can make item generator.I can help translate a player that is filipino to english because im from philippines and a very very good at english .I will invite my friends to join this server.This is the last server that i can find that has no grief no raid and no banned items (Thanks If You Accepted My 2nd Application)
  8. am i the youngest player who made an application on this server?
  9. Age:11 almost 12 (please accept my age) IGN:WxAaRoNxW Have you ever been banned, if so, explain why and how many times you have been banned:I have never been banned Why do you think you should join this server (5-6 Sentences):I should join this server so i can have fun.I can play together with friends on this server.To make some tekkit factory house other stuffs.I can help other player that is newbie.so i can report griefers to you Why should we accept you to this server (5-6 Sentences):You should accept me because i am not a griefer .I am a very nice person.I can help people to get started in this server.To make people happy.Last but not least you guys/gals should accept me to the server so i can tell you about non followers in rules Have you read and studied the rules:Yes What will you do for the server (5-6 Sentences)I can help reporting griefers.i can help you and newbies.I can advertise your server who needs a server.I can make projects.I can make item generator.I can help translate a player that is filipino to english because im from philippines and a very very good at english . (Thanks If You Accepted My Age And Application)
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