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Everything posted by Nigma

  1. Sorry for not having seen your post earlier, accepted. =D
  2. Both of you have been accepted, welcome to the server. I will whitelist you now.
  3. All are accepted and I'll add you to the whitelist now.
  4. Both of you have been accepted. Welcome to the server. I am Ex-US Army Active Duty, so I would like to say I appreciate both of you and the service you provide for the United States. Your application has been accepted, thank you.
  5. Accepted. Jork you have been accepted, just so you know though most of ComputerCraft is donator only. The reasons for this is because mining turtles ignore protection and can just dig straight through other peoples houses.
  6. Okay Argent, you've been accepted however what is blacklisted has been blacklisted for a reason. Unless theres a patch for specific items that I don't know about they will stay that way. It does include quite a few items from EE including rings/amulets and destructive items such as gem armors and catalysts. You are accepted also son588 just please know that while you have previously been a server owner, we've been owning and running Minecraft/Modded/Tekkit servers for about 2 years now. While we do appreciate suggestions please realize that we do know what we are doing.
  7. I will reply to all posts in the morning.
  8. The following applications have been accepted. E46_M just so you know, currently we are stress testing the server as whitelisted. However we do have intentions of opening it up to the public within a few weeks. However we still plan to have control over people trying to grief. Also MrArgent we do have blacklisted items, what exactly are "or they've banned most of the items I like to use!" because most servers ban items that can grief.
  9. Okay guys, please hold on and let me get caught up.
  10. Both of you are accepted and I will add you to the whitelist now. If you have any questions please just let me know.
  11. Accepted and feel free to come on and talk with us about your plans. I am one of the owners.
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