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Everything posted by nanoblieb

  1. Andrew i have to report greef i set up a tradingcenter with trade o mats but gavjeks destroyed almost al of them and then he replaced them with his own so i cant sell stuf trough them i know this becouse he also placed a safe so i think gavjenks should destroy his trade o mats and give them to me so i can place them and sell stuf again
  2. well if the server keeps being greefed again and again i am going to quit it cant you somehow see who placed the nukes becouse my intire base got griefed and we just got some things done please do something about it
  3. andrew battle_bas i and yojesse want to work together in minedustries we know each other IRL and have the same time zone
  4. andrew my gtm time is +1
  5. Age: 13 IGN: nanoblieb Mods experienced in: little bit computer craft industriealcraft and buildcraft could i make my own company please?
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