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Everything posted by MiaMayhem

  1. I feel this would give the server the choice to watch out for these users or banned them to save them time as what just happened is extremely ignorant and a low thing to do.Please take this into consideration as i am sure it will help alot of Servers weed out the bad eggs in the bunch.

  2. I am a Server Admin on the server GFGaming and I had a suggestion for the Tekkit forums. I feel that to make all server staff jobs abit easier there should be an area where Servers can post names of players who have banned and for what offense.I personally banned a player on GfGaming for griefing and they then went to our forums and posted pictures of women being abused and raped everywheres.

  3. When you log onto the server and read the rules at spawn respect other players is a rule.It is pointless even going any further with this your banned for insulting multiple times. Warning tickets and Additional chat logs say all.
  4. Commands are posted I even included part of your arguement about our respect rule.
  5. 2012-10-24 17:37:37 [iNFO] [G] (Alchemist) Guilleee: you can't impose respect, you must earn it, or teach it, but impossing doesnt work 2012-10-24 17:37:38 [iNFO] There are 13 out of maximum 40 players online. 2012-10-24 17:37:38 [iNFO] Connected players: (Alchemist) Guilleee, (Donator) The_aZepolyn, (Dr.) Derpy0, (Dr.) zombiehunter16, (Engineer) lightapp, (Member) groszman, (Member) joakimek98, (Member) palter123, (Member) PsychicMan, (Mod) Avesneakz, (Mod) MiaLife, (Physicist) yan2xik, (Technician) Diamondtroll 2012-10-24 17:37:48 [iNFO] [G] (Dr.) Derpy0: Guilleee i suggest just leave it alone, it's mia, Strong as a bull not going to give in. 2012-10-24 17:37:51 [iNFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] lightapp: /rules 2012-10-24 17:37:51 [iNFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] zombiehunter16: /back 2012-10-24 17:37:55 [iNFO] [G] (Member) joakimek98: i have turned in everything and now it wants me to give it two of those again?!?!?!?! 2012-10-24 17:37:57 [iNFO] PsychicMan lost connection: disconnect.endOfStream 2012-10-24 17:38:01 [iNFO] [G] (Donator) The_aZepolyn: well, i dont know about bull... 2012-10-24 17:38:02 [iNFO] [G] GFgaming (Mod) MiaLife: its a rule just follow it how hard is that? 2012-10-24 17:53:56 [iNFO] [G] GFgaming (Mod) MiaLife: I added a new rule to spawn 2012-10-24 17:54:02 [iNFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] Shell_Matasi: /spawn 2012-10-24 17:54:02 [iNFO] [G] GFgaming (Mod) MiaLife: No Quarries above ground 2012-10-24 17:55:37 [iNFO] [G] (Alchemist) Guilleee: imma make a mountain to cover them... 2012-10-24 17:55:38 [iNFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] Guilleee: /home 2012-10-24 17:55:39 [iNFO] Sending serverside check to: Guilleee 2012-10-24 17:55:41 [iNFO] There are 15 out of maximum 40 players online. 2012-10-24 17:55:41 [iNFO] Connected players: (Alchemist) Guilleee, (Alchemist) Shell_Matasi, (Donator) The_aZepolyn, (Dr.) Derpy0, (Dr.) zombiehunter16, (Engineer) lightapp, (Member) groszman, (Member) palter123, (Member) Peecoelho, (Member) PsychicMan, (Mod) Avesneakz, (Mod) MiaLife, (Technician) Diamondtroll, (Technician) joakimek98, [AFK](Technician) KingRullez 2012-10-24 17:55:53 [iNFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] joakimek98: /home 2012-10-24 17:55:53 [iNFO] [G] GFgaming (Mod) MiaLife: just build under ground.. 2012-10-24 17:55:53 [iNFO] Sending serverside check to: joakimek98 2012-10-24 17:56:01 [iNFO] Connection reset 2012-10-24 17:56:01 [iNFO] Diamondtroll lost connection: disconnect.quitting 2012-10-24 17:56:02 [iNFO] [G] (Technician) joakimek98: where can i put a quarry? 2012-10-24 17:56:05 [iNFO] Diamondtroll [/] logged in with entity id 48938 at ([map] 1097.0621833163034, 11.0, -1456.6287466470333) 2012-10-24 17:56:05 [iNFO] Diamondtroll joined with: [CodeChickenCore 0.5.3, MinecraftForge, NotEnoughItems, ReiMinimap v3.2_04 [1.2.5], IC2 v1.97, IC2AdvancedMachines v4.0, BuildCraftCore 2.2.14, BuildCraftBuilders 2.2.14, BuildCraftEnergy 2.2.14, BuildCraftFactory 2.2.14, BuildCraftTransport 2.2.14, AdditionalPipes 2.1.3 (Minecraft 1.2.5, Buildcraft 2.2.14, Forge, ComputerCraft 1.33, RedPowerMachine 2.0pr5b2, ccSensors MC1.2.5 Build017pr1, CCTurtle 1.33, EE, EnderStorage 1.1.3, IC2NuclearControl v1.1.10, ImmibisCore 49.1.1, InvTweaks 1.41b (1.2.4), MAtmos_forModLoader r12 for 1.1.x, ModularForceFieldSystem rev7, IC2_ChargingBench 1.95b, CompactSolars 2.3.2, IronChest 3.8, RedPowerCore 2.0pr5b2, NetherOres 1.2.5R1.2.2, PowerConverters 1.2.5R1.3.4, Railcraft 5.3.3, RedPowerControl 2.0pr5b2, RedPowerLighting 2.0pr5b2, RedPowerLogic 2.0pr5b2, RedPowerWiring 2.0pr5b2, RedPowerWorld 2.0pr5b2, TubeStuff 49.1.2, Balkon's WeaponMod 1.2.5 v8.6.0, WirelessRedstoneCore, WirelessRedstoneAddons, WirelessRedstoneRedPower, ImmiChunkLoaders rev3.2] 2012-10-24 17:56:05 [iNFO] Sending serverside check to: Diamondtroll 2012-10-24 17:56:18 [iNFO] There are 15 out of maximum 40 players online. 2012-10-24 17:56:18 [iNFO] Connected players: (Alchemist) Guilleee, (Alchemist) Shell_Matasi, (Donator) The_aZepolyn, (Dr.) Derpy0, (Dr.) zombiehunter16, (Engineer) lightapp, (Member) groszman, (Member) palter123, (Member) Peecoelho, (Member) PsychicMan, (Mod) Avesneakz, (Mod) MiaLife, (Technician) Diamondtroll, (Technician) joakimek98, [AFK](Technician) KingRullez 2012-10-24 17:56:20 [iNFO] [G] (Alchemist) Guilleee: that would have been an amazing idea if i haven't already build it above the ground 2012-10-24 17:57:49 [iNFO] [G] (Alchemist) Guilleee: Mia, can you just ignore that rule until i hit the bedrock? 2012-10-24 17:57:51 [iNFO] [G] (Alchemist) Guilleee: :/ 2012-10-24 17:58:08 [iNFO] [G] GFgaming (Mod) MiaLife: no? 2012-10-24 17:58:10 [iNFO] There are 16 out of maximum 40 players online. 2012-10-24 17:58:10 [iNFO] Connected players: (Alchemist) Guilleee, (Alchemist) Shell_Matasi, (Donator) The_aZepolyn, (Dr.) zombiehunter16, (Engineer) lightapp, (Member) groszman, (Member) palter123, (Member) Peecoelho, (Member) PsychicMan, (Mod) Avesneakz, (Mod) MiaLife, (Scientist) hellbegins, (Technician) Diamondtroll, (Technician) joakimek98, [AFK](Technician) KingRullez, (Technician) tr1967 2012-10-24 17:58:18 [iNFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] Peecoelho: /home 2012-10-24 17:58:18 [iNFO] Sending serverside check to: Peecoelho 2012-10-24 17:58:21 [iNFO] [G] (Alchemist) Guilleee: then give me some time to change my quarries 2012-10-24 17:58:23 [iNFO] [G] GFgaming (Mod) MiaLife: just break it and put it under ground 2012-10-24 17:58:33 [iNFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] hellbegins: /home 2012-10-24 17:58:35 [iNFO] [G] (Alchemist) Guilleee: i'm telling you, they were already at the open sky... 2012-10-24 17:58:38 [iNFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] tr1967: /tpa hellbegins 2012-10-24 17:58:39 [iNFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] hellbegins: /tpaccept 2012-10-24 17:58:48 [iNFO] There are 16 out of maximum 40 players online. 2012-10-24 17:58:48 [iNFO] Connected players: (Alchemist) Guilleee, (Alchemist) Shell_Matasi, (Donator) The_aZepolyn, (Dr.) zombiehunter16, (Engineer) lightapp, (Member) groszman, (Member) palter123, (Member) Peecoelho, (Member) PsychicMan, (Mod) Avesneakz, (Mod) MiaLife, (Scientist) hellbegins, (Technician) Diamondtroll, (Technician) joakimek98, [AFK](Technician) KingRullez, (Technician) tr1967 2012-10-24 17:58:54 [iNFO] [G] (Alchemist) Guilleee: oh shell 2012-10-24 17:58:58 [iNFO] [G] (Alchemist) Guilleee: got my mass fabricator? 2012-10-24 17:59:01 [iNFO] [G] (Alchemist) Shell_Matasi: Hello 2012-10-24 17:59:02 [iNFO] [G] GFgaming (Mod) MiaLife: mining world it doesnt matter 2012-10-24 17:59:05 [iNFO] [G] (Alchemist) Shell_Matasi: ? 2012-10-24 17:59:08 [iNFO] [G] (Alchemist) Guilleee: ... 2012-10-24 17:59:11 [iNFO] [G] GFgaming (Mod) MiaLife: but regular world doesnt reset 2012-10-24 20:55:31 [iNFO] [G] GFgaming (Mod) MiaLife: guil is your quarry under ground? 2012-10-24 20:55:34 [iNFO] [G] (Scientist) shandy_man: look, im scientist now too 2012-10-24 20:55:34 [iNFO] There are 25 out of maximum 40 players online. 2012-10-24 20:55:34 [iNFO] Connected players: (Alchemist) Darkreaper_44, (Alchemist) Guilleee, (Alchemist) Shell_Matasi, (Alchemist) WilliamArtois, (ChatMod) Atomfusion1, (Donator) 69AngryMidgets, (Donator) CubicalOne, (Donator) The_aZepolyn, (Dr.) 4nic8tr, (Dr.) Derpy0, (Member) Bullbrorsan, (Member) hazardous2312, (Member) Joakim7, (Member) Kennedy69, (Member) MaxAlex, (Member) PatrickKrag, (Member) Peecoelho, (Member) umbreon2002, (Mod) MiaLife, (Physicist) ikbeneenautist, (Physicist) sc_rubyxxx, (Scientist) Fortress_miner, (Scientist) hellbegins, (Scientist) shandy_man, (Technician) Diamondtroll 2012-10-24 20:55:35 [iNFO] [G] (Alchemist) Guilleee: i broke a block by error 2012-10-24 20:55:36 [iNFO] [G] (Scientist) shandy_man: 2012-10-24 20:55:38 [iNFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] Joakim7: /home 2012-10-24 20:55:38 [iNFO] Sending serverside check to: Joakim7 2012-10-24 20:55:39 [iNFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] CubicalOne: /home 2 2012-10-24 20:55:43 [iNFO] [G] (Alchemist) Guilleee: Mia, i told you... 2012-10-24 20:55:50 [iNFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] PatrickKrag: /home 2012-10-24 20:55:50 [iNFO] Sending serverside check to: PatrickKrag 2012-10-24 20:55:56 [iNFO] [G] GFgaming (Mod) MiaLife: move it under ground dont keep using it 2012-10-24 20:56:02 [iNFO] [G] (Alchemist) Guilleee: ... 2012-10-24 20:56:05 [iNFO] [G] (Alchemist) Guilleee: imma just bury it 2012-10-24 21:07:33 [iNFO] [G] (Alchemist) Guilleee: i have to build dirt all over my quarry... 2012-10-24 21:07:38 [iNFO] [G] (Scientist) Fortress_miner: wow he alreadu has alchemical chest lol 2012-10-24 21:07:40 [iNFO] [G] GFgaming (Mod) MiaLife: i said move it under ground 2012-10-24 21:07:57 [iNFO] CONSOLE: Enabling level saving.. 2012-10-24 21:07:57 [iNFO] CONSOLE: Forcing save.. 2012-10-24 21:07:58 [iNFO] CONSOLE: Save complete. 2012-10-24 21:08:01 [iNFO] [G] (Scientist) Fortress_miner: better tha me already 2012-10-24 21:08:01 [iNFO] [G] (Alchemist) Guilleee: i can't do that 2012-10-24 21:08:03 [iNFO] There are 24 out of maximum 40 players online. 2012-10-24 21:08:03 [iNFO] Connected players: (Alchemist) Darkreaper_44, (Alchemist) Guilleee, (Alchemist) Shell_Matasi, (Alchemist) WilliamArtois, (Donator) CubicalOne, (Donator) The_aZepolyn, (Dr.) 4nic8tr, (Dr.) Derpy0, (Dr.) zombiehunter16, (Engineer) osakara76, (Member) Bullbrorsan, (Member) Doyler453, (Member) hazardous2312, (Member) Kennedy69, (Member) MaxAlex, (Member) Peecoelho, (Member) umbreon2002, (Mod) MiaLife, (Physicist) ikbeneenautist, (Scientist) Fortress_miner, (Scientist) hellbegins, (Scientist) shandy_man, (Technician) AlcoholicIrish, (Technician) Diamondtroll 2012-10-24 21:08:14 [iNFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] Fortress_miner: /home 2012-10-24 21:08:17 [iNFO] [G] GFgaming (Mod) MiaLife: yes you can and you will or will get jailtime and quarry removed 2012-10-24 21:08:18 [WARNING] 4nic8tr moved wrongly! 2012-10-24 21:08:18 [iNFO] Got position 1471.8678636708785, 60.729269180943604, 2415.9737340719407 2012-10-24 21:08:18 [iNFO] Expected 1472.2530995499233, 60.729269180943604, 2416.102451034591 2012-10-24 21:08:25 [iNFO] [G] (Dr.) zombiehunter16: fort wheres all your old machines? 2012-10-24 21:08:27 [iNFO] [G] (Alchemist) Guilleee: you guys are so f--.... 2012-10-24 21:08:44 [iNFO] [G] GFgaming (Mod) MiaLife: ive talked to blackie about it already and he approves of it 2012-10-24 21:08:50 [iNFO] [G] (Scientist) shandy_man: mia u so bossy xD 2012-10-24 21:08:51 [iNFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] zombiehunter16: /home 2012-10-24 21:08:51 [iNFO] xxtapsi2100xx [/] logged in with entity id 160541 at ([map] -1210.7788937934463, 62.0, -2346.3002871210374) 2012-10-24 21:08:52 [iNFO] [G] (Alchemist) Guilleee: it's a stupid rule 2012-10-24 21:08:53 [iNFO] [G] GFgaming (Mod) MiaLife: so just move it underground? how hard is that? 2012-10-24 21:08:55 [iNFO] [G] (Alchemist) Shell_Matasi: Gui, you pick the quarry up and move it down 6 blocks, not hard :3 2012-10-24 21:08:57 [iNFO] [G] (Alchemist) Guilleee: this is tekkit 2012-10-24 21:08:59 [iNFO] [G] GFgaming (Mod) MiaLife: ive given you over 3 hours? 2012-10-24 21:09:08 [iNFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] xxtapsi2100xx: /home 2 2012-10-24 21:09:08 [iNFO] [G] (Alchemist) Guilleee: i've been on 2 minutes of those 3 hours 2012-10-24 21:10:33 [iNFO] [G] GFgaming (Mod) MiaLife: just count the frame and leave 1 block dirt over 2012-10-24 21:10:42 [iNFO] [G] (Alchemist) Guilleee: you're not shell 2012-10-24 21:12:49 [iNFO] * Guilleee has received a WARNING: Dont be disrespectful Ive given you ample time and was being nice. 2012-10-24 21:12:57 [iNFO] [G] (Alchemist) Guilleee: you're a fucking idiot!
  6. Do you want the chat logs of what was said? If you really feel that it was wrong it can be shown as evidence for the warning and for the ban.
  7. I was not warning you for the new rule you were warning for being rude to me as i was just trying to help you figure out the depth to put the quarry.Then after I warned you,you began to rage and insult me so you were banned.More then one person said calm down and this is not your only run in with a staff member from what I was told earlier as you had insults to throw at one of the other staff members who was on earlier. You also argued over having a rule to be respectful to other players and to staff saying that it can no be an inforced rule which in general is a common sense rule to any server.
  8. Kind of curious Idan, how do you know that "they" said bad things on your account? Just told on yourself and i also found where you had griefed at someones house so, even if you did not type those sexual comments you did grief.
  9. No it cleared all the items from alchemy bags of people on at the time
  10. No the server did it to a large portion of people that were on during the day.
  11. Shhh i want the Rollback since i lost all of my stuff besides my DM armour and RM tools.If the Town Hall goes ill build another one xD Rollback brings back all my Alchemy bag stored items which is everything
  12. Patience everyone he is trying to improve the server which takes time.
  13. Is the server down or is it just me? i try to join but is says connection lost response code :503 then posts a url
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