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Everything posted by thekian

  1. It took me 6 hours but I found the fix! What you need to do is go to control panel, then system and security, then system. On the left hand side is a list of stuff; click advanced system settings in the new window, click "Environment Variables" on the bottom right. In the new window, find the variable "_JAVA_OPTIONS", select it and click edit then change the value to whatever amount of RAM you like. For example -Xmx4096M for 4GB, or -Xmx2048 for 2GB Done.
  2. It took me 6 hours but I found the fix! What you need to do is go to control panel, then system and security, then system. On the left hand side is a list of stuff; click advanced system settings in the new window, click "Environment Variables" on the bottom right. In the new window, find the variable "_JAVA_OPTIONS", select it and click edit then change the value to whatever amount of RAM you like. For example -Xmx4096M for 4GB, or -Xmx2048 for 2GB Done.
  3. On you're pack editing page get the dropbox link and replace the "www." With "dl."
  4. So here's the problem. When I open the technic launcher I set the RAM allocation to 2GB and the pack loads (good so far) When I am in a world however, it appears that the allocated memory is only 469MB and as it quickly fills up I get a big fps drop which then increases and drops again repeatedly even though it is set to 2GB and my laptop has 8GB which isnt used by anything else. I have included a screenshot of the allocated memory on the right and a screenshort showing the selection of 2GB allocated. My system specs are below. Thanks! Processor: Intel Core i5 4200M (2.5Ghz) Graphics: Geforce GT 740M (2GB dedicated graphics) OS: Windows 8.1 64bit with 64bit Java Screenshot1 Screenshot2
  5. Just rename it, delete the .zip part and replace it with .html. Easy
  6. Also, the file on dropbox is a rar file, why is it a zip file when downloaded?
  7. I have sorted that out, it no longer points to a website when I change it to a html. However, the error still occurs.
  8. I have updated my new modpack up to 1.5.2 because all the mods were upgradable. After I had finished and requested the launcher to get the file everything seemed to have gone smoothly. When I clicked launch, it went through a few processes and then came up with the error. No idea what could be wrong http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/thekian-pack.52592
  9. Thanks so much!! I was unaware that I had to do that
  10. I know people have had this problem before and I have read many of those forums and implemented the answers but this still isn't working. Minecraft Forge is in the "modpack.jar" file in the "bin" folder. I have put "CodeChickenCore-Mod-1.4.6.jar" and "Not-Enough-Items-Mod-1.4.6.jar" in the "coremods" folder and "PortalGun1.4.7v5.zip" and "ModularPowersuits-0.3.2-199.jar" in the "mods" folder. The link to the dropbox is https://www.dropbox.com/s/o8f5hyq06auai73/KianCraft-attempt_1.zip The modpack link is http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/thekian-pack.52592 The Platform URL is http://www.technicpack.net/api/modpack/thekian-pack Thanks in advance!
  11. Just updated my Java! Didn't realise there was an update out! Derp!!
  12. They are shit specs but classic seems to work just fine
  13. Tekkit Lite lags so much!! I could barely look around without it lagging. I added in Optifine (which should of been there anyway) and now it is only just playable. It still lags when I drop items though. I was wondering why it is called "Lite" if it lags so much more than classic, even with Optifine. On classic I have quarries, 5 world anchors and millions of automated systems. But in the Lite version, I can barely punch a tree. Why is this?
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