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About Tallghost

  • Birthday 06/21/1974

Tallghost's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Hey, I'm looking to rent some server space for a few friends and I (less than 10 people) to play a little B-Team survival. I've never run a server before, and it seems a lot of hosts will either set up for you, or boast of being point and click set up. My questions are: 1) how much ram should I be looking at renting? 2) are there any plug-ins you would recommend? 3) are there any host providers that I should be looking at specifically(especially if you know one that comes with voice) Thanks for any help you can provide.
  2. What is your Minecraft username? Tallghost How old are you? 38 In what country do you live? USA Will we find a ban record of you on a banlist like for example mcbans.com? No What is your favorite part of Tekkit/Tekkit Lite?I'm just starting out but I love the idea of being able to ship/sort thing with pipes. Have you read through the thread as you should to avoid unnecessary questions later? Yes. What makes you interested in Sweden Tekkit Lite?
  3. Well since I'm totally new to this, it sounds like what I want to do is go with Tekkit Lite. So I will abandon the idea of adding plugins and look forward to continued updates and possible changes that will allow me to more easily add plugins in the future (since the future is the place where I will have more experience as an OP as well.)
  4. Hi. I'm looking to start up a private server, but I've never really done anything mutiplayer with MC or Tekkit, so I figure I need to ask some questions. Question #1: Do I want to use Tekkit or Tekkit Lite? I'm not sure of what the difference is. I know that I'm not looking at a public server, just something for some friends and students, and that I'm not really looking to add a ton of mods (something that will allow property like Towny, and maybe MAYBE something that will give an economy, but I'm not sold on that yet.) And I'm doing this myself, not from a hosting service, so I will have to do all of the maintenance myself.
  5. Sorry for the long wait, school has been busy this week. So here's the current situation: I have downloaded Grief Prevention, I have put the jar in the plugins folder. I ran my server. There is now a GriefPrteventionData folder in with my .jar inside the data folder are: a config YML file a messages YML file a claimdata folder (empty) aplayerdata folder (has one file, named tallghost) When I log in with the local host option, I can play the game, but none of the Grief Prevention stuff seems to be on. Is there something I'm missing in the config? The config file looks like this, when opened with notepad: (appearntly, I can't get pictures to show up here either...it's a wonder I managed to install minecraft...)
  6. Ah! That's awesome! I went in an removed myself from the ops list and then restarted the server and logged in. No cheat mode! Now I have to figure out how to install this Grief Prevetion mod. I downloaded it from the site, stuck it in my plugins folder, and it unpacked itself, but nothing is happening.
  7. Watchful, you've been incredibly helpful so far. I have the server set up, but can't actually let the kids connect yet. (can't set up port forwarding because I lost my account number for my internet service-- have to wait until the next bill comes in) I have another question though. is there a way to stop my players from being able to enter cheat mode?
  9. thanks for the link! this explains alot! It is possible to ad plugins to Tekkit at all? I basically only want to add something that will set up ownership areas, so that 1) the kids can't grief each other, and 2) I can create "dungeon" areas that the kids can go to and explore. I've been looking at Grief Prevention, which seems like it might fit my needs, but I don't know if there's something better out there.
  10. I'm looking for help/advice on starting my own server. I've been a casual Minecraft player for awhile, but I'm not hard core on the modding side, and have NEVER played on a server. I have several students who enjoy the game, and I would like to start up a server for them to play on (server will be housed on an old desktop in my attic). I've been looking for advice on starting a server, but most of what I've found has been how to actually download and install. I've been hoping to find ideas on what mods to include (beyond the Tekkit stuff) Is there a guide to this sort of thing?
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