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About ahbuzer

  • Birthday 06/30/1992

ahbuzer's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Age:21 IGN (In Game Name) Ahbuzer Why Do you want to Play on this Server? Just wanna try out the new tekkit system been awhile since i been on. What Do you want to Build? everything and anything i can build
  2. I would like to be apart of this beta My ign is ahbuzer
  3. IGN Ahbuzer TIMEZONE California USA Pacific time AGE 20 EXPERIENCE 3 months REASON TO JOIN Looking for a new server to begin anew.
  4. IGN: Ahbuzer Age:19 Country/Timezone: Western US California Tekkit Experience: at least 2 months Reason for joining: Im moving on from the server i worked on because they all got so lazy and they do not like building their own stuff they are always asking Have you read the rules: yes How long have you played tekkit: Been playing minecraft for a year and tekkit and technic for a month What you feel you can contribute:Any question regarding any block and properties regarding IC2 and ee i can answer i dont know much about railcraft yet though Time you can contribute to the server: any time between 2pm - 12am pacific time
  5. IGN: Scbigmac07 Reason for wanting to become a member: I love this sever and the community is awesome everyone is really helpful and i'd love to be apart of it as a member of the server. Why should we accept you: I am new to tekkit. I would love to hone my skills and get better at building all sorts of unique items.
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