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Posts posted by Maximuscr31

  1. 1- i was banned (and dont know why) so i cant contact anyone besides u seeing this

    2- it says i alredy have an acount so i cant register for some reason ?(maybe bug)

    3- I did nothing wrong in the past 24 hours so i dont get why i was banned

    just help me realyze why

    This will not be discussed here as previously stated. I am not showing an account on the forum for a 77diogo77 so I will not be able to help you with that neither.

  2. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN KICKED / BANNED FROM A SERVER AND WHY?: Yes, i have been baned once because i was told that i was greifing but i wasent

    WHY DO YOU LIKE TEKKIT? it is awsome and i rely like cc and build and that other one

    WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMMUNITY? big factory that mass produces saphire

    IGN: cooldood98

    AGE: 13

    I am showing 2 seperate bans but unless another member in good standing on the server will vouch for you I am afraid we will have to decline you at this time.




    [bancount] => 2

    [banlist] => Array


    [0] => mc.seraphicgames.net .:. griefing

    [1] => .:. griefing,hawkeye confirmed


    [score] => 9.2

    [status] => 2

    [output] => 2 bans :(

  3. Hey aca can you reset the nether because it's out of frigging glowstone. My friend's been complaining. Just a heads up so if you don't want (or if lots of peeps don't want to) it's fine.

    Please try to keep all questions to a minimal like this in this thread. We try to keep this for whitelisting only. Please tell a mod/admin in game, post on the acaldra.net forums under help, ask in ventrilo, or send me a private message. To sum all that up I reset the nether this morning.

  4. IGN: Blocktd

    AGE: 16

    HAVE YOU EVER BEEN KICKED / BANNED FROM A SERVER AND WHY?: Nope, never. I tend to believe I am well-behaved.

    WHY DO YOU LIKE TEKKIT?: Tekkit is amazing, it's a combination of technic and multiplayer, what could be more fun?

    WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMMUNITY?: I am an honest, well-behaved player with a good sense of humor and I tend to be very helpful.

    Going to have to deny you at this time as I am showing a ban for griefing





    [bancount] => 1

    [banlist] => Array


    [0] => Array


    [username] => Blocktd

    [issuer] => trevorman

    [server] => c.nerd.nu

    [reason] => Griefing on C nerd.nu/appeal

    [time] => 2011-10-05 13:56:58


  5. IGN: TRendoonfire69

    AGE: 21

    HAVE YOU EVER BEEN KICKED / BANNED FROM A SERVER AND WHY?: Yes for greifing... but that was 1 year ago

    WHY DO YOU LIKE TEKKIT? I like the opertunity to build factorys to trade with the community

    WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMMUNITY? I can bring some of my own tekkit experience and to build a factory to trade with the community

    I have went ahead and decided to give you a chance. Just don't repeat your previous mistakes

  6. IGN: stickmanz204

    AGE: 16

    HAVE YOU EVER BEEN KICKED / BANNED FROM A SERVER AND WHY?: i hav but it was for no reason, i was accused of griefin on a no griefin server but i didnt

    WHY DO YOU LIKE TEKKIT? it is awsome, it is fun, and i love playing with others on it

    WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMMUNITY? i can bring a town that ppl can live in and be helpful, and if by chance i am promoted to mod

    i hav alot of experience, im fair i listen to people before i ban them, i would awnser questions so that the admins and owner(s) dont hav to.

    You have been added

  7. IGN: Johnywxz

    AGE: 16

    i whas never kicked but i whas banned 1 time: for tryng to revenge a griefer that stole all me dark matter and machines by pumping them out of me chests

    Why do i like tekkit: i really like the machines that u can make everything automatic u alwasy got something to do the magics tricks i just love it

    What can you bring to the comunity: im really good at joking i make people happy some times angry cuz they are tryng to make me rage bust mostly i try to help if someone hast got a home i give them a litle house then i tell some players to help them adopt them and thats it oh and i always play servers

    I will add you on one condition. No vigilante justice. Another member and your friend is vouching for you. If you got a problem tell a mod/admin or post it up on our forums. We will take care of it. If you understand and agree then just reply that you do and I will add you

  8. IGN:catboy9653


    HAVE YOU EVER BEEN KICKED / BANNED FROM A SERVER AND WHY?: yes banned for annoying abusive admins and greifing but i have stoped greifing

    WHY DO YOU LIKE TEKKIT? its fun and its has so much potential

    WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMMUNITY? i am good with most mods in tekkit so i can make some cool stuff

    I commend you on your choice to grow up and act more mature but in lieu of your 18 bans we will not be able to accept you at this time. It is just a risk we can not and are not willing to take.

  9. IGN: krist44

    AGE: 13

    KICKED/BAN: Not really ive only been kicked from my friends server for standeing on one of the blocks he wanted to mine

    WHY DO YOU LIKE TEKKIT: I like tekkit because of all the crazy things you can build and showing off my creativity

    WHAT CAN I BRING TO THE SERVER: I'm a kid who spends most of his time on tekkit build awesome things and could help people out if they need crafting help or if they need help building. I just LOVE using my creativity.

    I would love to play on your server it sounds awesome and you have a awesome community!!!



    I am showing 3 bans for you. We won't be able to accept you at this time




    [bancount] => 2

    [banlist] => Array


    [0] => mc.xhcraft.net .:. spambot

    [1] => tntup.d3s.co .:. insulting server


    [score] => 8.07

    [status] => 2

    [output] => 2 bans :(





    [bancount] => 1

    [banlist] => Array


    [0] => Array


    [username] => krist44

    [issuer] => boredeth

    [server] => c.nerd.nu

    [reason] => chat spam/advertising nerd.nu/appeal

    [time] => 2012-05-04 08:35:05

  10. IGN: ZoMbiie666

    AGE: 15

    HAVE YOU EVER BEEN KICKED / BANNED FROM A SERVER AND WHY?: No, though i do not know all of the history of this account due to the fact that this account was given to me by a friend of mines.

    WHY DO YOU LIKE TEKKIT? It's fun. I can assure that it's rather more fun than vanilla, or any other mods out there

    WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMMUNITY? All i can say to that is i can do a lot of stuff for community. Other than that i won't get in to it to much about community unless i am asked.

    Unfortunately with the history of this account and your lack of knowledge on the griefing ban we won't be able to accept you at this time




    [bancount] => 1

    [banlist] => Array


    [0] => mc.mcdominion.net .:. Griefing


    [score] => 7.41

    [status] => 2

    [output] => 1 bans :(

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