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Everything posted by EnderBob

  1. No makeing fun of me.Today is mt birth day
  2. And yes, im using the launcher.How else will I be able to play tekkit?
  3. Ashizification: Im not THAT old to know what Java type im not even a teenager yet (which sucks xD)! So yhea.But that for (some) of the help!
  4. If you have and acount and know how to help me out, please,help me out

  5. I NEED HELP tekkit is not working i only have 2 working mods D:

  6. Please Help me out if so thanks
  7. Launcher Version: 1.3.2 Operating System: Linex/Pc or whatever Java Version: i dont know Antivirus Program: ?? Description of Problem: OK so i only have 3 mods, oftifine,tomanyites,and the last isnt working.so its technicly only 2 mods.I dont know if its a bug, but im reporting Error Messages: for servers:you need this mod: and whatever mods i need Error Log: i dont know...
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