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Everything posted by Chael

  1. Not really, you guys are volunteering to help me build the basic stuff anyway while I configure my plugins, so I'm pretty liberal with how long you want to play etc. Of course, if you want to be an Admin or whatever you do have to be active. As for Port Forwarding, hate that Cisco changed their system. I gotta find a way to do this... :P
  2. Let's get this straight. I know very well how to port forward. My computer can take 100 slots. Then why use hamachi and only implement 20 slots? That's because we're currently in Alpha testing phase! To prevent people from just walking in and griefing stuff, I've used the necessary precautions. Before I make this server public and 24/7, I need to first fix up stuff like plugin configs... build spawn... etc. But in order to do that, I have to get some people to help me build and test! So, who's up to be an Admin or Alpha tester? Please state IGN and age. Here's the stuff I've got compiled so far: Rankings: [Alpha]: Join before port forward [beta]: Join before server is open [Noob]: 0 Hours [Resident]: 3 Hours [builder]: 30 Hours [Pro]: 70 Hours [Veteran]: 120 Hours [Elite]: 200 Hours [Legend]: 300 Hours [T-Mod]: 400 Hours [Mod]: When chosen [Admin]: When chosen [Head-Admin]: There can only be one. [Owner]: Who else? Donator ranks may be implemented when this server goes live. Banned items: Disk Drive Destruction Catalyst Catalytic Lens Katar Morningstar DM hammer RM hammer Evertide Amulet World anchors Dimensional anchors Mining laser Gem armor Black hole band Void ring Nuke Ring of Arcana Hyperkinetic lens All of Balkon's is banned since they can kill people in towns Plugins (some already added, some planned): Essentials PermissionsEx Autorank Autocast DisguiseCraft TekkitRestrict Towny Elemental Creepers Godpowers Magic wands Etc Alright guys, this is my first server, so please don't flame or anything if I do anything wrong!
  3. Just a few, like facebook etc. As for the school computer, I own the netbook and play Tekkit at home with hardly any trouble, it's just that I'm trying to work out a way to bypass the web filter.
  4. So, I'm attempting to play Tekkit from school, but I've had no luck in bypassing the web filter yet. They actually block minecraft.net, and all my attempts to run Tekkit with a proxy have failed, I get the "could not connect to minecraft.net" message. I want to play on SMP, any tips?
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