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Everything posted by snowmansmartie

  1. Hi guys, Firstly if this is in the incorrect thread I apologise in advance. I've created my very 1st modpack, got it hosted and it downloads and installs without an issue. The game launches and runs. My friend has been testing this and has come across an issue that I dont understand or can figure out, so I'm after some help if possible. The crash report is here - http://pastebin.com/D9MRbwk2 This crashed when he placed a landmark from BC. If any other details are needed please let me know. Thanks in advance. Cheers
  2. Hi guys, I downloaded the following code and when I run it I get the following error - bios:338: [string "startup"]:1: '=' expected. Can anyone help with this. Credit for the code goes to toms2oo8 on Youtube for designing the code. -- Custom Variables Changable. local port = "right" local timeOutOnRednet = 2 local limitSize = 64 -- I do not reccomend changing this as its very tempermental local fuelSlots = {} -- DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW rednet.open(port) -- These are XYZ values relative to the quarry. At default they will all be 0 as quarry is at 0,0 local qu_x = 0 local qu_y = 0 local qu_z = -1 local facing = 2 -- Misc Functions function checkFuel (blocksNeeded) if turtle.getFuelLevel() < blocksNeeded then local moreFuel = true local fuelNeeded = blocksNeeded - turtle.getFuelLevel() while fuelNeeded > 0 do if turtle.refuel(1) == false then print("TAKING ITEMS") if takeItems("front") == false then return false end end fuelNeeded = blocksNeeded - turtle.getFuelLevel() end print("DROPPING ITEMS") turtle.drop() return true else print("HAVE ENOUGH") return true end return false end function split(str, pat) local t = {} local fpat = "(.-)" .. pat local last_end = 1 print(str) local s, e, cap = str:find(fpat, 1) while s do if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then table.insert(t,cap) end last_end = e+1 s, e, cap = str:find(fpat, last_end) end if last_end <= #str then cap = str:sub(last_end) table.insert(t, cap) end return t end local smallestDis = 0 local mainPCIsLocatedAt = {} local mainBot = false -- Function finds and sets up with the nearest quarry function setupToNearestQuarry () local ownerID = 0 rednet.broadcast("CCQuarry LOCATE") local startedTime = os.clock() while (os.clock() - startedTime) <= timeOutOnRednet do local id, mess, dis = rednet.receive(timeOutOnRednet) if (mess == "CCQuarry PING") then if ownerID == 0 or smallestDis > dis then smallestDis = dis ownerID = id end end end if (smallestDis == 0) then return false else return ownerID end end function checkIfMainBotWithQuarry (qid) local setupInformation = sendAndGetResponse(qid,"SETUP","") if setupInformation ~= false then if setupInformation == "CCQuarry SETUP MAINBOT" then return true elseif setupInformation == "CCQuarry SETUP SLAVE" then return false end else print("Quarry PC did not respond. Moving self out of way and placing other bots in inventory if any.") turtle.up() turtle.digUp() turtle.up() endWithError() end end function turn(direction) if direction == "left" or direction == "right" then local d = 0 if direction == "left" then d = 1; turtle.turnLeft() else d = -1; turtle.turnRight() end facing = facing + d if (facing == -1) then facing = 3 elseif (facing == 4) then facing = 0 end return true end return false end -- Function turns to the specified facing location. function turnToN (face) if face == facing then return true end local lOrR = (facing - face + 4) % 4 if lOrR > 2 then turn("left") elseif lOrR < 2 then turn("right") else turn("left") turn("left") end return true end function turnTo (nesw) if nesw == "north" then turnToN(0) elseif nesw == "south" then turnToN(2) elseif nesw == "west" then turnToN(1) elseif nesw == "east" then turnToN(3) end end function move (dir) if dir == "up" then if turtle.up() then qu_y = qu_y + 1 return true else return false end elseif dir == "down" then if turtle.down() then qu_y = qu_y - 1 return true else return false end elseif dir == "north" or dir == "south" or dir == "west" or dir == "east" then turnTo(dir) local moved = turtle.forward() if moved then if dir == "north" then qu_z = qu_z + 1 elseif dir == "south" then qu_z = qu_z - 1 elseif dir == "west" then qu_x = qu_x - 1 elseif dir == "east" then qu_x = qu_x + 1 end return true else return false end end return false end function moveTo (targetX, targetZ) local way = "west" if targetX > qu_x then way = "east" end while targetX ~= qu_x do move(way) end way = "south" if targetZ > qu_z then way = "north" end while targetZ ~= qu_z do move(way) end end local lengthOfCurrentQuarry = 0 local widthOfCurrentQuarry = 1 function doMainbotFunctions(qid) -- Setting new orientation without using turn functions so we get our 0 point. for side = 1, 4, 1 do if turtle.detect() == false then break end turtle.turnLeft() if side == 4 then print ("Error, you seem to have not given me anywhere to go ") endWithError() end end facing = 0 turnTo("east") while not checkFuel((limitSize * 2) + 32) do print("Need more fuel. Add more fuel then type to continue"); read() end -- Give extra fuel just in case! while move("north") do lengthOfCurrentQuarry = lengthOfCurrentQuarry + 1 if (lengthOfCurrentQuarry >= limitSize) then break end end sendMessage(qid, "LENGTH", lengthOfCurrentQuarry) for a = 2, lengthOfCurrentQuarry, 1 do move("south") end while move("east") do widthOfCurrentQuarry = widthOfCurrentQuarry + 1 if (widthOfCurrentQuarry >= limitSize) then break end end sendMessage(qid, "WIDTH", widthOfCurrentQuarry) print("Quarry is "..lengthOfCurrentQuarry.. " long and ".. widthOfCurrentQuarry.." wide") for a = 2, widthOfCurrentQuarry, 1 do move("west") end moveTo(-1,0) turnTo("south") local items = checkChangedSlot({}, false) while takeItems("front") do end local changedItems = checkChangedSlot(items, true) moveTo(0,0) turnTo("south") setupNewBots(changedItems, qid) move("south") end function waitForBotToMove() while turtle.detect() do sleep(1) end return true end -- Function assumes it is positioned in the correct location function setupNewBots (arr, qid) sendMessage(qid, "STARTUP", "") for botSlot = 1, table.getn(arr), 1 do turtle.select(arr[botSlot]) while (turtle.getItemCount(arr[botSlot]) ~= 0) do turtle.place() sendMessage(qid, "TURNONBOT","") waitForBotToMove() end end sendMessage(qid, "DONESTARTUP", "") end function endWithError () os.exit() end -- Function assumes there will be a response... if not youre stuffed! function sendAndGetResponse (recid, messageID, message) sendMessage(recid,messageID,message) local startedTime = os.clock() while (os.clock() - startedTime) <= timeOutOnRednet do local id, mess, dis = rednet.receive(timeOutOnRednet) if id == recid or recid == 0 then local splitMessage = split(mess, " ") if (splitMessage[1] == "CCQuarry") then if (splitMessage[2] == messageID) then return mess end end end end return false end function sendAndGetResponseNoTimeout (recid, messageID, message) sendMessage(recid,messageID,message) while true do local id, mess, dis = rednet.receive(0) if id == recid or recid == 0 then local splitMessage = split(mess, " ") if (splitMessage[1] == "CCQuarry") then if (splitMessage[2] == messageID) then return mess end end end end -- I assume this will never be reached but just in case >.> return false end function sendMessage (qid, messageID, message) rednet.send(qid,"CCQuarry "..messageID.." "..message) end -- Function assumes no obsticals. Checks if turtle can get to a specified location without fuel. True if needs fuel false if not function needFuel (currX, currZ, currY, neededX, neededZ, neededY) if currY ~= neededY then return true end if (currX == neededX) and ((neededZ - currZ) == 1 or (currZ - neededZ) == 1) then return false elseif (currZ == neededZ) and ((neededX - currX) == 1 or (currX - neededX) == 1) then return false end return true end local knowsWhichWayIsX = false; local directionXIs = 0; -- Function WILL NOT move to block. It will not use fuel and it assumes you can actually face the block without moving and still be next to it. function faceBlock (currX, currZ, currY, neededX, neededZ, neededY) if not needFuel(currX, currZ, currY, neededX, neededZ, neededY) then end end -- Function returns array of the slots it placed the items from or false if could not take items function takeItems (direction) if direction ~= "up" and direction ~= "down" and direction ~= "front" then print("Error direction "..direction.." matched no valid direction takeItems(direction)"); endWithError(); end local emptySlot = getNextEmptySlot() local checkArr = {} if (emptySlot ~= false) then turtle.select(emptySlot) else checkArr = checkChangedSlot({}, false) end local success = false if direction == "up" then success = turtle.suckUp() elseif direction == "down" then success = turtle.suckDown() else success = turtle.suck() end if success then if emptySlot ~= false then return {emptySlot} else return checkChangedSlot(checkArr, true) end else return false; end end -- Function gives an array of all the slots and their counts if secondCheck is false and array is just a blank array -- If secondCheck is true it expects the array and loops through until it finds changes. It will return an array of changed slots -- Useful for when you take from an inventory and it fills a slot up you can find where it put it. function checkChangedSlot (array, secondCheck) local newArr = {} if secondCheck == false then for a = 1, 16, 1 do newArr[a] = turtle.getItemCount(a) end return newArr else if table.getn(array) == 16 then for a = 1, 16, 1 do if array[a] ~= turtle.getItemCount(a) then newArr[(table.getn(newArr) + 1)] = a end end return newArr else print("Array given to checkChangedSlot is not 16 in length. Cannot continue.") end end end function getNextEmptySlot () for a = 1, 16, 1 do if turtle.getItemCount(a) == 0 then return a end end return false end function getWorkingLane (qid) local dd = sendAndGetResponseNoTimeout(qid, "LANE","") return dd end function requestServiceLane (qid) local canGoYet = sendAndGetResponseNoTimeout(qid, "SERVICE", "") if canGoYet == "CCQuarry SERVICE GO" then move("up") return true end endWithError() end function startDigging(qid) turtle.digDown() while turtle.digDown() or move("down") do end while qu_y ~= 0 do move("up") end end function makeDropAtStation (qid) moveTo(0,-1) move("down") turnTo("west") for inv = 1, 16, 1 do turtle.select(inv) turtle.drop() end turnTo("east") return true end local doneFirstLane= false local currentLane = {} local mainbot = false function processLane (qid) local getCurrLane = "" if doneFirstLane == false and mainbot == true then getCurrLane = "CCQuarry LANE 1 1"; doneFirstLane = true else getCurrLane = getWorkingLane(qid) end print(getCurrLane) if getCurrLane ~= false then if getCurrLane ~= "CCQuarry LANE ENDLANE" then local splitMess = split(getCurrLane, " ") print(splitMess[3]) currentLane[1] = splitMess[3] + 0 currentLane[2] = splitMess[4] + 0 turnTo("north") print("Supposed to get to ".. currentLane[1] .. " , "..currentLane[2]) turnTo("east") checkFuel(2 + currentLane[1] + currentLane[2] + 256) move("up") moveTo(currentLane[1] - 1, currentLane[2] - 1) move("down") sendMessage(qid, "DONESERVICE", "") startDigging(qid) requestServiceLane(qid) makeDropAtStation(qid) return true else return false end else print("Quarry did not respond in time.") endWithError() end end local MasterID = setupToNearestQuarry() print("Starting Up") if MasterID ~= false then print("Am I Mainbot?") mainbot = checkIfMainBotWithQuarry (MasterID) if mainbot then doMainbotFunctions(MasterID) end while processLane(MasterID) do end print ("Requesting again !") requestServiceLane(MasterID) move("up") moveTo(currentLane[1] - 1,currentLane[2] - 1) move("up") sendMessage(qid, "DONESERVICE", "") else print("No Quarry PC found. Please set that up first before me.") endWithError() end Cheers guys in advance.
  3. Hi guys, I am having a problem with getting a "sensor system". The current setup is: 4 sensors, 1 sensor controller, 1 PC. The sensor controller can see all 4 sensors (All separately named) but the console on the PC (ccSensors/console) can only see 1 sensor (named sensor, which is not any of my named sensors). Is this a bug in the console and I need to write my own program, which I am planning on doing anyway or is there something else? If I need to write my own program, does anyone have a program/example that I can base mine on. I am going to have to learn lua, which will take a bit of time (I have programming experience, so shouldnt take long but getting a foot in the door would be nice). Thanks in advance for any advice. Cheers
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