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About Xaoh

  • Birthday 03/02/1988

Xaoh's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Hey everyone, I have spent the entire day building my alchemy item producing lab and my objective of this is to have it far underground and have a teleporter take me to and from it. I want to achieve this by using Power Teleport Pipes and am having a hell of a time figuring it out, I have spent hours and hours this morning all over the web reading stuff and nothing seems to work so im hoping someone has done this successfully so I can proceed with my server. My current setup is this HV Solar Array > Glass Fibre Cable > Energy Link > Wooden Conductive Pipe > Golden Conductive Pipe > HV Engine Generator > MFSU (Power Teleport Pipe located on top of the Golden Conductive Pipe) As you can see it seems to have electricity going through the golden pipe and the MFSU is charging. So that part I hope is correct my issue now lies on trying to recieve that power on the other side into a teleporter, in actuality I need it into 2 teleporters, 1 for the top and 1 for the item lab. I have tried all sorts of different setups to try and recieve power to my teleporter and nothing has even remotely worked, thus not worthy of me wasting your time posting my methods I have tried. Hopefully someone out there has accomplished this before and can give me a method that works I would greatly appreciate the help. Thank you.
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