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Everything posted by Mehungary

  1. A few suggestions for passing the time. Books: The Night angel Trilogy is awesome assassin fantasy. The black prism. Another book by the same author of the night angel series. I think its better than the night angle books, the only problem is that only the first book is out and its supposed to be a series (this is a problem for me because i'm going insane with impatience waiting for the next one). Net shows: TED talks are awesome! Video game High School. Its pretty good, even has epic mealtime man as the principal. TV: Breaking Bad Invader Zim Samurai Jack (Hoho has a very good list)
  2. Re: 6 chamber Nuclear Reactor Setup http://forum.industrial-craft.net/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=2963&s=f1086a1df4c5fe85d2159a2e76df4baee53c475a In that thread are lots of reactors take a look and pick one that looks good to you.
  3. There can be turned into Charcoal as well as sticks. So... if you need lots of charcoal then RP rubber trees aren't so bad... I wish they would burn though, i'v always hated clearing them away for stuff
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