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Everything posted by Hoaz

  1. quiet interesting. I don't know what kind of new stuff is in this update but I'm excited to see what's new although I think it's a bit sad that we won't have Forestry mod anymore but I guess they have something that can compensate with the forestry mod, hopefully I might go spelunking and see what kind of new stuff I can find in the NEI GUI or find it myself out in the woods. Have a great day! Yours sincerely, HoazDon't do that.
  2. I had the same problem but my instincts were that I just went to technipack.net/tekkit and downloded the new launcher. Then it worked. Hope it helped you. Sincerely, Hoaz
  3. Wow you really filled that form like a BOSS!
  4. It's a bug with your client the Advanced wooden pipes works for me. My suggestion is to re-install your tekkit client. Because I know sometimes that the tekkit client downloaded "Screws" up. It happened to me once when it didn't download everything and couldn't join a single server because it skipped a few mods. But try to re-install your client simply by just going into your Appdata and remove the .techniclauncher and then re-open the tekkit client and re-install it. If that, for some reason, doesn't work you should update or re-install your Java.
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