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About seriousvern

  • Birthday 01/07/1983

seriousvern's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. Come join us on the server or post your questions here. If you have any suggestions or comments don't be afraid to say so
  2. Come join us on the server or post your questions here. If you have any suggestions or comments don't be afraid to say so
  3. good morning guys hope to see u on the server come check us out we have a good community and a great staff.
  4. Ready for an awsome weekend guys we have added speef arenas and treasure hunt to our server wich gives any newcomer an advantage when starting fresh on our servers also ingame money and reward for voteing for us might have a few suprizes comming up for valentines day guys so get that ip address and log into orecraft and check us out see u this weekend
  5. Ready for an awsome weekend guys we have added speef arenas and treasure hunt to our server wich gives any newcomer an advantage when starting fresh on our servers also ingame money and reward for voteing for us might have a few suprizes comming up for valentines day guys so get that ip address and log into MCW and check us out see u this weekend
  6. Ready for an awsome weekend guys we have added speef arenas and treasure hunt to our server wich gives any newcomer an advantage when starting fresh on our servers also ingame money and reward for voteing for us might have a few suprizes comming up for valentines day guys so get that ip address and log into open-mc and check us out see u this weekend
  7. Goodmorning Open-Mc now our big sister MCW is at the top lest work hard and get our little sister OMC to the Top and if u can /vote and get in game money and an mk1 this helps our server alot the more ppl the more this server will stay running love u guys and thanks to an awsome team.
  8. Grats MCW on making it to the top ben a long trip and all our hard work is paying off.
  9. Good morning all hope u have a great weekend on orecraft dont for get to /vote and get ingame money and a mk1 its greate start especialy when ur new to the server. welp have a good day see u one orecraft .
  10. Want to say thank you to our wonderfull staff on omc. You guys are doing an awsome job keep at it.
  11. Looking for Staff so dont forget to put in your Staff app guys we love to have new ppl on the team u must be mature and know about the tekkit mod thanks and have a good day.
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