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Everything posted by SammyMan09MC

  1. He's downloading Hexxit, if that isn't your meaning, then just no, not the server.
  2. My friend's download keeps failing, but it only says "Download Failed", does anyone know how to fix that? He tried a second time, and maybe third, I'm not sure, but all seems to fail. I haven't tried GBs yet, I forgot about those so I will post it when I can try, but until then, anyone got any ideas?
  3. I had the same problem so I deleted my tekkitlite and re-downloaded it,then the window would pop up but it wouldn't load it would just freeze at the Mojang logo
  4. But I thought you said I was accepted.Edit:Oh I see it said except for me. :(Edit2:I wish I could atleast get a second chance 2 bans weren't for griefing so they're not really considered a 2nd or 3rd chance.
  5. Hmmm...Thats weird its still not working.I got the IP right,my username is SammyMan09,I wonder whats wrong...
  6. Thank you If I grief I will take the punishment with no excuses or exceptions. :)
  7. Minecraft name:SammyMan09 Preffered mod:EE or IC3(Bit of a tie) Have you ever been kicked and/or banned before?Yes(3)(1.)Griefing(Tried it,felt bad,haven't griefed sense)(2.)False griefing,Somone thought I griefed when I was building(3.)Raging,Raged when I died Age:10(11 in 11(Ironic huh?)days from 11/23/2012)
  8. WL Application IGN:SammyMan09 Age:10 Country/Timezone:USA/America EST Tekkit Experience:around 40% or 50%. Reason for joining:I like to play tekkit with others and every server either got totally griefed or is never online. Have you read the rules:Yes (By memory)No x-ray textures no mods of any kind(With the exception of tekkit mods)No swearing,spamming or asking for items.And I forget the rest but I'l double check. How long have you played tekkit:A few months What you feel you can contribute:If contribute means paying,none I barely had enough money for minecraft let alone donating.sorry. Time you can contribute to the server:A good amount(Probably alot sense I have hours of time and morning hours sense I'm homeschooled)
  9. Hey silibird,when I try to get on it still says "You are not white-listed on this server!" are you sure you whitelisted me?
  10. Minecraft Username:SammyMan09 Have you ever been banned, if so, why?:Yes(3)(1.)Griefing(Tried it,felt bad,haven't griefed sense).(2.)Thought I griefed when I was building.(3.)Raged about getting killed. What do you plan to do on the server:Form a bit of a company probably. Do you have any previous experience with tekkit? If so, what?:Yes,Lots,I know atleast 40% if not more.I have tons of expierience in IC2,BC,and I know about everything in EE.
  11. Minecraft Name:SammyMan09 Do you have any bans on record?Yes(3) If so, Why?(1.)Griefing(Tried it,felt bad haven't griefed sense).(2.)Somone thought I griefed|I broke a block of the roof of a structure to build higher(It was a building place)and they considered it griefing.(3.)Raging.Somone killed me and I freaked out(LOL)
  12. When I join it says "Please register with "/register password Confirmpassword"" what am I supposed to do? I never saw anything in the topic that has a password or anything.
  13. Yep,theres alot of things on the ground and running,but it was running really well one day then I got on later and it was lagging horribly,and its been lagging ever since,I've tried everything I can,deleting the .techniclauncher file,uninstalling and reinstalling tekkit,turning everything to whatever would make it fastest in the options,etc... I was so far too and I can't even transfer the world to singe-player to try it on there :(
  14. Title: 0 FPS on servers... Version: 3.1.2 OS: HP LG Windows Java Version: 7 Description of Problem: I'm getting 0 FPS when I play tekkit servers,and normal lag when I play single-player,I'm not sure if its considered a bug but I don't know how to use the questions place Error Messages: None Error Log: None
  15. I'd like to be whitelisted please. My IGN is SammyMan09
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