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Everything posted by CawubbBro

  1. im sorry he owns the server WHAT A BEEOTCH NEVER JOIN THIS SERVER
  2. Do not, and I mean do not join this server. The admins need to look at the thread (TMG_NINJA) He is an abusive admin, I joined this server because when you go to cilick on it, tell me if im wrong, it says PVP AND Greif if its not protected, so i was taking materials from a homg and TMG approuched me said and I quote "You Like greifing?" I replyed yes I was killed (ENTIRELY UNNESSASARY) Then banned for two days. DO NOT JOIN THIS SERVER DO NOT JOIN THIS SERVER UNTIL THEY GET RID OF TMG, Abusive admin Good day, And if TMG is reading this Your Stupid as Fudge
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