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Karlis31452's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Quite a nice server. I like the unique "no rules" style of gameplay.
  2. IGN: Karlis31452 Age: 13 Why would you like to join our community?: I've been looking for a Hexxit server that offers all of my favorite plugins along with a whitelist. Have you read, and agree to all of our rules?: Of course. Install: It's in the Technic Launcher and it installed just fine.
  3. Minecraft Username: Karlis31452 Age: 13 How long you have been playing Tekkit Lite: Since the first Tekkit Lite servers appeared. Why do you think I should whitelist you?: I seek servers where being cooperative is key to success. I prefer to be in a mass of people, working together to achieve something. Never before have I seen a server where this much people have one unified goal, so this would be a truly interesting experience. What is the best thing you have ever done in minecraft?: Influenced servers to make them better, giving a better experience for players. Do you promise not to break any of the rules posted above? Y/N Y.
  4. What is your Minecraft username? Karlis31452 How old are you? 13 In what country do you live? Latvia. Will we find a ban record of you on a banlist like for example mcbans.com? Nope. What is your favorite part of Tekkit/Tekkit Lite? The aspect of machinery quickly drew my attention and immediately became my favorite part. More building choices are also nice through the redpower handsaw-cut blocks. What makes you interested in Sweden Tekkit Lite? The fact that I can build undisrupted is great, considering that I get griefed on most servers after a couple days of playing. Also, you might want to disable dynamite (unless it already is), it's relatively cheap to make and masses of them can make bigger griefholes than Industrial TNT.
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