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About Vilsol

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

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Grass (2/9)



  1. Ok I just found out that it is because of MultiModWorld. I have my Vanilla world as default and my tekkit world is a separate one. Now the problem is that it uses multiverse. Is there a way to make TT work with multiverse?
  2. Launcher/pack Version: 3.0.3 Operating System: Client-Windows Server-Linux Version of Java:1.7 Description of Problem:Whenever any mod uses BlockBreakEvent, jobs just doesnt know what to do, and spams in console! Error Messages: Link to pastebin of log: http://pastebin.com/rwhQiRwJ
  3. I know this is not a right bug report, but there is nothing to tell about it. The problem is that TT is not working. You can craft it, place it and open it. But when you place or burn an item, the EMC value doesnt go up!
  4. Launcher/pack Version:3.0.3 Operating System:Client-Windows Server-Linux Version of Java:1.7 Description of Problem:Whenever a player does something wit DM or RM tools, then when the player picks up the ball he gets "Internal Server Error" Error Messages: [WARNING] Failed to handle packet: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can't create an EntityItem for a null item java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can't create an EntityItem for a null item at net.minecraft.server.EntityItem.<init>(EntityItem.java:29) at ee.core.PickupHandler.onItemPickup(PickupHandler.java:29) at forge.ForgeHooks.onItemPickup(ForgeHooks.java:165) at net.minecraft.server.EntityItem.a_(EntityItem.java:166) at net.minecraft.server.EntityHuman.l(EntityHuman.java:363) at net.minecraft.server.EntityHuman.e(EntityHuman.java:355) at net.minecraft.server.EntityLiving.F_(EntityLiving.java:447) at net.minecraft.server.EntityHuman.F_(EntityHuman.java:168) at net.minecraft.server.EntityPlayer.a(EntityPlayer.java:233) at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:379) at net.minecraft.server.Packet10Flying.handle(SourceFile:126) at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(NetworkManager.java:234) at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:125) at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(NetworkListenThread.java:78) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:556) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:453) at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:492) Link to pastebin of log: http://pastebin.com/Neu3q0Qg
  5. IRL Name; William Minecraft Name; Vilsol Age; 16 Tekkit Experience; Since it came out. Buildcraft and IC2 was a tester... Would you be able to host a server?;Yes and a Lag-Free one, that doesn't need any type of tunneling networks (Hamachi, Tunngle, Garena etc.) Why I should choose you; Because I have been playing minecraft for 2.5 years already and mods for 1.5 years. I can host a server that would be 24/7! Anything else?; I would really like to participate in this whole thing just because it is fun to make something that others will use in future Also the good aspect from me is that I am a website developer, so ComputerCraft is an ease for me Pictures of tekkit work (Optional); None, but I am a thoretical man, so my head is my sandbox... But I will edit this post when I get some
  6. I have been playing buildcraft and forestry since they came out. I tried both ways by powering them straight or through conductive pipes. On the conductive pipes i can see the stream going in, but nothing else happens...
  7. Launcher/pack Version:2.1.1 Operating System:Client:Windows Server:Linux Version of Java:1.7.0 Description of Problem:Quarries, Mining Wells and Pumps are not working in SMP. [buildCraft] has all permissions and is opped! Error Messages:None Link to pastebin of log:None
  8. have ust tekkit before?: Yes Age:16 IGN:Vilsol IRL Name:William Skype Name (Skype Is Needed):vilsol Mic (Mic Is Needed):Yep! Technic 6 Experience:Since it came out (I think you meant Tekkit not Tehnic) A bonus from me: I can host a lag free server so you dont have to rent one!
  9. Is this topic still active?
  10. Is anyone accepted, cuz im curious about doin something...
  11. I've been playing minecraft since infdev and tekkit since it came out. I can also host a private lag-free server. You can contact me in a PM or... Skype: vilsol E-Mail: [email protected]
  12. That post just went so wrong...
  13. I have talked with Slowpoke and he hates Tekkit so there will be no special release for it. Also, if you want to make your own version you must ask permission to use his idea!
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