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Everything posted by john2185

  1. yep same here http://pastebin.com/xGHgSfTq
  2. IP: hexxit.darksoulcraft.com or Web: http://www.darksoulcraft.com/ Host: creeperhost.net Time: 24/7 TPS: 19.78 Welcome to darksoulcraft. We have No mods removed this is a full blown factions pvp raiding server so beware and have fun. dungeon world added reset weekly Factions V2 Essentials MCMMO Votifier WorldEdit Worldgaurd Custom Ops: soulscapex-john2185 Admins:tiff2185 to apply post IGN: Age: Experience with Hexxit: How long you have been playing for: What you are good at (Buildings, etc.): Why you think you would be a good addition to the server: no hacked clients no griefing by glitches or hacks do not bypass pvp free zones use common sense
  3. Added a new jail plugin only way to get out is mine the set amount of blocks.
  4. 43 people on right now come on everyone join in on the fun lets fill this server up today.
  5. Due to the large number of new players wanting to apply for staff, here are some tips before you apply: If you have just joined the server or website, don’t bother applying for staff. You’ll be automatically denied. We recommend at least 2 weeks playtime on the server before thinking of becoming a staff member. If you are new to the website, and your staff application is going to be your first post. You will also be automatically denied. We expect those interested in joining the staff team to be active both in game and on the forums. Do not apply for staff because you have just been raided/griefed/killed and are out to seek revenge. It’s not going to work. We can tell whether you are power hungry and just want commands to boss people around. You will be automatically denied.
  6. IP: tekkit.darksoulcraft.com Web: http://www.darksoulcraft.com/ Host: creeperhost.net Time: 24/7 TPS: 19.78 Welcome to darksoulcraft. we have just launched are 1.1.5 server spawn is also still being built. GriefPrevention Essentials Votifier WorldEdit Ops: soulscapex-john2185 Admins:tiff2185 Mods: j0nathon,Ugora,1MaSteRs8 no hacked clients no griefing by glitches or hacks do not bypass pvp free zones with weapon mod use common sense MODS REMOVED dimensonal doors mystcraft
  7. we have just done some major update like a fresh world 4-20-13 and a fresh dungeon world
  8. mk2 relays and collectors are no longer just for donators everyone can get them also bumped up server hardware so we are now 96 slots
  9. we do have default tekkit ic2 1.97 and railcraft are part of tekkit classic 3.1.2 you must be on 3.1.3 Just click options and select 3.1.2 build
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