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About Slizzer348

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

Slizzer348's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Is there any way to kno if I have been whitelisted rather than attempting to join?
  2. daww goddamn it no message :/ and I'm from europe too
  3. Oh yeah, my name is the same as on here - Slizzer348
  4. About me: I'm a 16 year old player, I've been playing for a fair while and particularly enjoy Equivalent Exchange, forestry and Railcraft. I like finding a place of my own way out of the way and setting up shop. My primary reason for joining this server however is because myself and 4-5 friends wish to find a good tekkit server, that doesn't restrict things unreasonably - From what you say this sounds like a great server to join, and so you'll probably have a small town springing up in the middle of nowhere. Location: GMT Why Tekkitia?: ]It's small and mature, with the added bonus of being 24/7 - I like the idea of a community that respects it's members but is still looking for a good time. Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed? If I wouldn't get banned for this, I probably wouldn't be applying
  5. Re: [24/7][2.1.1][Quantum Gaming Tekkit Server][42 slots][Whitelist] IGN: Slizzer348 Have you ever been banned: nope What do you plan to do on the server: I plan to have fun and play with tekkit - just to have a good time I guess XD What is your experience level with Tekkit? I've played with it for about a year, just my previous server is no longer up, so I need a good new place to crash, and this ticks all the boxes!
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