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Everything posted by dylloop

  1. I have Java 7 update 3 for 64 bit
  2. I really need to fix this
  3. I tried opening the Jar with java but I cant find where java is located and which java to use i am using windows 7 and i have uninstalled and reinstalled java but nothing I found where it is but now idk which .exe to use please help me
  4. why wont anyone help?
  5. Ok My launcher wont open I treid running the Jar even and the Comand promt opens and then closes instantly Can someone help me? Im on Windows 7 and I have 64 bit java. what do I use to open the Jar? I know to use java but what java? I have Java 7 update 3 for 64 bit
  6. ok lol my server says "cannot bind to port" I changed the server ip in the server file to my ip address and left the port at 25565 any help? it also says "perhaps you already have a server running on that port?" but i dont
  7. I am doing a let's play of this map check it out here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kl6JrELT1AE
  8. Giving out the game files isnt the same as giving out fallout new vegas saved game. Notch does not give these files out for free you have to be signed in to a minecraft account to get them and to sign in to a minecraft account you need to have BOUGHT the game so please go troll somewhere else .
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