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Posts posted by crysomemoor

    • Pedro
    • crysomemoor
    • ODoctor
    • 15
    • I always loved tekkit, mostly the (now) tekkit classic. When i saw that a "new" tekkit was launched, i had to try it, so i did. After some time, and lots of blocks, I realized i was bored and i found out why: I didn't wanted to play it alone. So now i found this server wich have all i wanted. Also, Tekkit with interplanetary stuff, and tons of new mods. Who would want more?
  1. 1- In game name: crysomemmor

    2- Age: 15

    3- experiences in tekkit: I have played it a lot, mostly alone

    4- Skype name (optional or other contacts): skype- pedro.colicigno; razercomms- ODoctor

    5- Past bans (will be looked up so don't lie): Never and proud

    6- Time zone: -03 Brazil

    7- A little about yourself: as the timezone says i am brazilian, i have english as second languado, but i do speak quite well. Love minecraft but vanilla is kind of boring now that i discovered mods.

  2. Name: Pedro

    IGN: crysomemoor, but i prefer to be called cry

    Age: 15

    Favorite Tekkit Mod: Railcraft and the power suits (i forgot the name)

    What is your favorite activity besides minecraft? I like to play my bass and listen to music, but I'm also a good writer and reader.

    Tell us a little about yourself: I'm a actually very lonely, so when I do make a friend i never let him go. I'm not form US or UK, so I learned English as a second language (apologize for any grammar mistakes). I love watching series, as a matter of fact I watched all 7 seasons of Doctor Who in a week, but I can handle myself in conversations. I love reading and I love playing games, some of my favorite games are RPG. I'm young, but that doesn't mean i'm childish, my asperger helps a lot with that. Like i said, i am from Brazil so i had to learn good english.

    Tell us about something you like about yourself: I am a good writer

    Tell us about something you don't like about yourself: I am not very good with small talk, i like to go direct to the point

  3. age: 15

    timezone and country of residence: Brazil. -3

    experience with minecraft/voltz (just so i know, i'm not a genius myself): A friend and I made it through the voltz till we made a particle collider and had more energy than we could sustain, our base exploded(or imploded) and we lost everything, then we started to make war games

    what attracts you to my idea/server: That is the kind of server I have been looking for, we are teams and have organized (almost) fights, not griefs and stuff

    are you willing to group up with others or me or are you a lone wolf: Yes, i am a bit of a loney wolf, but alone voltzs is sad, so yeah, i'm good to make teams with people

    do you think that you understand my views about the difference between stupid grief and just fun pvp? Yes, the way you see is a "war game" not random grief

    I'm sorry if my grammar is incorrect, but is the best that i can, english is a second language to me

  4. Minecraft IGN: crysomemoor

    Age,Location: 15, Brazil (but i =have a good english)

    How did you hear about us?: I found you guys in the server list on the forum

    Previous Bans : Never, still proud of it

    Have you read and agreed to our server rules?: Yes

    Why should we accept you?: I started looking for a server because i was tired of playing laone. But is hard to find a nice server, and you guys (or whoever wrote the description) have some good points there that i agree.

    Additional Notes: "People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... timey wimey... stuff."

    Thank you for reading,


  5. IGN: crysomemoor

    Desired Nick: Doctor John Smith (The Doctor)

    (and yes i think everyone got the reference)

    Servers I am known on: The Emeralds (normal mc server) and Forge of Thrones (rpg server also normal mc)

    Special interests in tekkit: I think the most fun part is nuclear stuff, i really like them

    time you have used tekkit to play: Last year a friend of mine introduced to tekkit

    Skype username: Pedro Colicigno

    Other games I have experience in role playing: Skyrim, Fall Out: New Vegas, WOW, D&D


    A long time ago in a far place, a small boy spent his entire day staring at the skies, always asking himself how did it all worked and why did it all worked. He was a normal kid from a small village near Ruliba. He lived in a small moon/planet in a binary system, near to the edge of the arm named Perseus in the milky way.

    That boy became a men, and choose physics as his main study field. And once he got a chance, he flew out of the small rock his spent his hole childhood in search for knowledge.

    After a lot of travel he found one place that suited his needs, it was a place called DUNE. He knew that, that place, was perfect for him. In one of his travels across the galaxy, he found a place called New Romanthia, where a witch said that a dune of sand was all that separated him from the knowledge he wanted.

    Appearance: He is a tall guy, using a old blue suit and a brown overcoat and 3d glasses (the glasses were a gift from the witch in New Romanthia).

  6. IGN: crysomemoor

    Real Name: Pedro

    Time Zone: -03 Brazil. Brazilia

    Something about yourself: I'm nice guy, like sci-fi stuff like star wars and Dr. Who, also i am a really good at helping people

    What language you speak: Portuguese (main), English and Spanish (speak both of them as secundary, but the grammar is a hole other history), and a bit of italian

    What do you want to do on this server (Everyone should have a shop): I think i will try to build a gigantic TARDIS or a huge millenium falcon, or a reall working clock

    Do you have a Youtube Channel: yes, is a shared channel witha friend of mine, Oio&Doc

    If so, will you be willing to film?: Yes, but only if is not from my pc, he is not that good ;)

  7. In Game Name: crysomemoor, but i prefer to be called cry

    Age: 15

    How Long I Have Played With Tekkit: don't know exactly, but i t was before mojang buy it

    Have I Ever Been Banned: once, but after i explained what happened, got unbanned

    Why I Would Like To Work On This Project: Your story reminded me of the 2112, a album from Rush, and i love building

    Previous Building Experience: I built a TARDIS is a server called emeralds, if u want to check go in the sv and them to VTE (a town). Is big and blue

  8. In-game name: crysomemoor

    Age: 14 (15 in january)

    Time Zone: -3, Brazil

    Have you ever been banned? Please post your result here: No, well once i got banned but i explained the situation and got unbanned, i do not remember the server name but it was skyblock

    What is your Tekkit experience?: I and a friend had a small survival server (me, him and another guy), we finished most of the mods

    Why do you want to join Fekkit?: I really like tekkit and don't like playing alone so i am looking for a server that people are nice and the grass is green.

    just for fun: Zoidberg (\/) (;,,;) (\/)

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