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Everything posted by skeptimist71

  1. The articles were a good read. And as i stated prior, if there was evidence of falsity i was simply unaware. i didn't research due to the reasoning that i never intended to discuss relativity. But i do thank you for your posts, i learned something of great value that turns out to be more relative than not. Cheers!
  2. This thread was never intended to be about the theory of Relativity.....rather "irrelevance"...hence the stupid questions. Yet, rather enlightening in the end. The only answer needed to end this thread was.....I'll believe ya when me shat turns purple and smells like rainbow sherbet.
  3. interesting. kudos.
  4. As of Sept. 6th 2012 (date of POSTED video....not sure of the date in which it was televised) Stated the discovery/ information data retrieved was tested 15,000 times and every single one came back verifying the data to be accurate. If there is information disputing this, such as equipment error, i simply haven't seen it yet. Either way, i for one believe anything is possible. After all, there was a time in which everyone believed the world to be flat...
  5. Since the theory of relativity has been proven wrong, it leads me to ponder the following... 1. Can fat people go skinny dipping? 2. Whose cruel idea was it for the word 'lisp' to have an 's' in it? 3.Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes? *relatively bored*
  6. Get yo dance freak on.....
  7. Being that i am an AmeRiKan, i must challenge your solicitation that we Americans are not worthy of Europe's debauched and licentious taxes. I understand the need for rules and regulations within a society. What kind of world would it be if we didn’t park our cars in our assigned spaces? I’m not afraid to want it all, IE, space junk, dead Penquins basted with overly tart pickle juice and taxes on low maintenance women. Further more, I don't perspire, thus eliminating your aroma tax. If it wern't for your Frolic tax keeping outsiders out, i'd say your home looks quite appealing....
  8. Wastipk....it s is recommended you turn off anti-virus....this step i actually forgot to do, as i use AVG, and i STILL successfully downloaded the launcher.
  9. Actually it is true, the difference could be 1. you dont know what you're doing. or 2. you've done something wrong during download. its difficult to really say because everyone sets their computers up differently, such as anti-virus settings for starters, this alone could easily prevent a successful download, as well as firewalls, as well as smartshield being on, etc etc...too many variables to cover them all. I posted exactly what my problem was, and clearly explained what i did to successfully correct the problem. My advice to you is to download CCleaner, run it, do a defrag, erase all junk files, turn off anti-virus, check firewalls, turn off smartshield, reboot and download just as i described above.
  10. The issue is created by internet explorer, something to do with opening exe. files as a zip. Firefox does not open the file in the same manner. Thats my limited knowledge of the problem. I originally thought it was something to do with the launcher program, i stand corrected. Just a side note, the other thing i've noticed with Firefox is that it opens the launcher much quicker than Internet Explorer. Plus there's no searching for the %appdata% file. I keep my launcher in the download files and simply click on it and BAM, you're in the game.
  11. GOOD NEWS GOOD NEWS!!!!!! jORCER, YOU DA MAN BRO! ok, just so everyone that has the same issue's that i had, this is what i did to fix it. 1.downloaded firefox 2. deleted all tekkit / technic files 3. goto tekkit, do not click on the box that says "windows" to download launcher, click on Linux/jar 4. simply double click the technic launcher and you're back in action! You will lose your texture packs and mods if you have any if you delete all files , as i did, but as with any corrupt file, its best to delete it and start over from scratch. Hope this helps!!
  12. Many thanks. I'll follow up on this with the results, hopefully this works and helps others as well. Thanks again
  13. Also, do you recommend deleting all tekkit/technic files prior to reloading via firefox?
  14. I've double clicked to run it and nothing happens, nada, zilch, a big fat zero. I have read many threads on this issue and attempted a few, some of which i had previously attempted as well. If this is a IE issue, would downloading firefox fix this issue? I'm not a fan of IE to begin with, so the switch wouldn't faze me if it potentially fixes the issue. Thanks for your help Jorcer, i appreciate it.
  15. I've downloaded the linux/jar....not sure what to do next. what am i looking for? This is really annoying, and considering the ammount of people that have similar issues with this launcher, you'd think someone would work on making it more stable. I've done nothing to make this fail, hadnt changed settings, no mods added....yet here i am like many many others, perplexed and unable to play. (thats my one and only rant) what am i supposed to do with this linux/jar?
  16. I can't i deleted technic folders thinking i could do a reinstall and hopefully fix the problem. i have no files to open. essentially i have a clean slate to work from and still cannot download the launcher from tekkit. Bizzare.
  17. Launcher Version: the latest Operating System: windows 7 Java Version: java 7 JRE Antivirus Program: AVG Description of Problem: Upon opening launcher the messege "technic launcher updater has stopped working" appears, and then goes away and launcher fails to open. I have deleted the launcher file and tried to reinstall but it wont let me. i even deleted java and reinstalled and nothing has changed. I've seen this very question asked several times and have yet to see a valid answer/solution. It seems most questions are followed up with others claiming the same issue and yet no one actually answered the question. I had performed %appdata% and opened the launcher via this method but this too eventually failed and ended in white screen. Please only reply IF you have a solution, NOT simply stating you have the same problem, the questions never get answered when this happens. Thanks. Also, i have the AVG turned off during this process. Error Messages: "technic launcher updater has stopped working" windows searching for solution.... Error Log:
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