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About killercenturions

  • Birthday 04/17/1997

killercenturions's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. IGN: killercenturions Age:14 Time Zone:CST Extra: I'm a very experienced tekkit player and love pvp, however do you require us to have mumble?
  2. Ur right. A nano saber won't do much against quantum and rm. however as a mod wat powers r u referring to? Like banning people?
  3. U like to have a bit of power? U mean like spawning in stuff or banning us when you feel like it? Since that is what I get from having power as a mod...
  4. 1 can you smile? 2 why do you need computers? This is a raiding/pvp server. You won't have enough to time to program a computer. And if u do it will get blown up and all ur work destroyed. So on this server they are pointless and cause lag. Here are your reasons.
  5. Apparently when I wasn't on my friend in my faction said he went away from a room and when came back there was a huge hole. We lost a whole mk3 power flower and 15 dm. He said the game completely glitched out. Any reason why? And is it possible to get our stuff back?
  6. I can't get on. My friend got on but he said the server was gl itching out and not working properly
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