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Everything posted by ANormalMinecraftNerd

  1. I have very awesome news which I am really happy about, and thought I'd post here: Thermal expansion Terrain Smashers + Itemducts do work on Carriages just fine now... some guys in here may remember me and my problems... so I wanted to say, that it's all fine now, thanks to Forge Multipart
  2. THIS! I had the same Issue with Thermal Expansion pipes. KingLemming says, that they are complex multiblock structures which souldn't be moved, and Ender Io conduits are probably the same ;)
  3. I've actually wrote a pretty stable CC program, that does exactly that should I post it to you?
  4. yes I actually did it like: if redstone on back of Computer1 is active rednet.send(id,message:"on"). Then if Com2 receives this signal he'd put out the move command. but it wasn't working over and over again, just once... And yes I used a while loop ;)
  5. Ok, then. I definitely don't wanna be annoying, but the wireless redstone thing i mentioned... I were told you were working on it, so how much of a problem is it to fix it? my mining well and me would be REALLY be happy if you did so, because I tried computercraft... and my basic understanding of the thing is just failing, if you know what I mean ;)
  6. So you wouldn't even be able to put it on github now... Alright, good you said that ^^ And also not to be confused: I haven't used an issue tracker yet, but I can imagine how it's done, and also consider it not too hard to be done.
  7. Well, I consider myself sophisticated enough to use an issue tracker, if I had known of it... :P
  8. HeyHo It's me again.. today: I just noticed the wireless redstone Receiver not working/ semi-not working on frames. they just stay on, and I can't turn them off I was using that because my tunnel bore was duplicating as it moved along: I had one full set of Carriage spectres one of some broken mining well-stuff and the original mining well still moving along just fine. I thought it was because I quit game while it was still moving, so I wanted a way to turn it off - remotely. But it didn't work. Can you think of a proper way to fix this?
  9. Yeah, PMs are a good idea... Sorry jakj anyway, I'll try to do the ME storage bus thing, but I think I tried that before and it didn't work out so well:( Let's see
  10. Ok, so I assume you just use a storage bus? Well, that's easy... And has the priority to be 20 or something else? Though what you said last was somehow confusing me: you said, that I wouldn't want to use an export bus unless I want to insert stuff from my AE network into the enderchest/ or actually I use a tesseract But I want to do just that! I want the stuff from my Quarry in my AESystem in a chest so I can process it with the TE machines. Sorry, but I still don't really know what to do :P
  11. Oh, ok.. you mean, that if there's no block, it doesn't update the ones nearby... seems obvious ^^ :P
  12. I'm really sorry, but I have a crash log that says something else: http://pastebin.com/aMZZfwzM Just downloaded the new beta 5 minutes ago, testet exactly the same setup... well you can see what came along. It always happens when both TE and RiM update nearby blocks. I'm not a coder, but I just noticed that it could be that rather than the cache improperly clearing up.
  13. I hope you didn't get it wrong, I didn't say there was anything bad about you or the video... I was just kind of (surprised???) that it could have been you in the video. I don't know... Anyway, I think I watched something similar on another channel, and copied it almost exactly, but it just wasn't working at all. Then, I watched your video and tried the enderchest version: as I said, enderchest was not accepting anything, AND THEN finally: I figured you'd have to use a disk drive... dude thanks for that. A lot, to be honest Amazi-Quarry, or so... really awesome job ^^ Now I just need to figure out, why the export bus I set up at home doesn't output to a chest. (yes, I definitely set all the items to export, so you don't ask ) I spent countless.. well minutes in fact .. on that, can anyone help me?
  14. Though you're not the guy in the video are you? Well anyway, I think I'll just test this again because the first try with AE went terribly wrong... but I'll figure it out I think. Just have to export everything in the network to an enderchest... *noticing enderchest not accepting any items* ... tesseract... *hopefully doesn't crash then* ... Well, should work with 2 ME Fuzzy Export buses for all the items, shouldn't it?
  15. Uh, interesting thought... but only TE can fix this then... do you know any other mod with block breakers that doesn't cache it like that?
  16. Uh, interesting thought... but only TE can fix this then... do you know any other mod with block breakers that doesn't cache it like that?
  17. Although, who is actually "responsible" for that error? Is it Thermal Expansions Cache code, TE's blocks in general not working properly with yours, the improperly cleared up code, your code or don't you know? Or in other words: who do I have to yell at?
  18. Uh, yeah had that a hundred times in multiple mods, I feel your pain :P
  19. Ok, the second part of the puzzle is right here: http://pastebin.com/evYkN8Kc Have fun :P
  20. Ok, just revisited my mine [quick notice, these frames are F***** fast^^] and I think kinda got it now... the frames probably went wrong because the TE block breakers and itemducts had partially disappeared (it may have had something to do with the lava all around, but that's another story), maybe even while the movement was happening, and my tesseract transformed into cobblestone, which I'm really lucky about. Cobblestone is so rare these days... Anyway, it was probably just related to the lava destroying the stuff and (invalidating???) the blocks, or because the frames tried to move lava. I remember my last crash now: It was nothing similar, just the same setup I guess, because the frames were invisible a.k.a the Spectres and there was nothing broken or lava all around. I may get the crash report for that one too, I'll just have to search my hard drive a bit... Hang on!
  21. Well, I actually noticed that first when using TE, but I have not played with RiM that much before. Though, as you can see from the crash report, it has something to do with the TE-Pipes updating something and also your Carriage Spectre updating blocks around them. A frequent thing? it has happened 2 times now, but both in my survival world, so I'm rather upset but not really frequent, no; Although it happened in a very short time twice, which I would definately refer to as "frequent".
  22. Hey! I love your mod, but since I updated to thermal expansion 1.6.4 I get this error http://pastebin.com/XKwHbWPu I unfortunately can't tell you when, it's just happening out of nowhere... Please give this error some love, or my Frame-Quarry will be very, very sad
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