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Everything posted by krakasb009

  1. IGN: krakasb009 TIMEZONE: GMT+1 (Central Europe) AGE: 16 years. EXPERIENCE: I have been playing for 4-5 months and I am very skilled with almost everything in Tekkit. If anyone needs to know something they can ask me and get a correct answer 90% of times. I am like a living, walking, breathing, cookie-munching wiki. I am also good with operating most of the major plugins out there, be it as staff or as a common player. REASON TO JOIN: I am always looking for nice servers with a not too big community, preferably whitelisted ones with LWC for sufficient protection. CoreProtect is also huge plus in my eyes, mainly because of it's simplicity. If I like it on the server, I guarantee that I will do my best to make things look nicer and once I get some basics set up I will start with a big project. Yes, of course there will be cookies and cake. ;)
  2. I did apply, but then I had a look at your website and it seems like a very good server, but not quite the kind that I'm looking for.
  3. Much better, at least now we can have fun using constructive criticism. My age is no problem, you can ask everyone I've ever worked with. Also, if you look at my details, in case you can view them, You will see that I made a mistake, as I'm actually 16 years old. My birthday was a few weeks ago, and I still need to get used to it. The server I used to be on had no lag at all, so giant factories were not a problem, the function is what I'm proud of, not the size or the noise. Of course it is a luxury I would be able to live without. I do know that Tekkit is nearly endless, and that is why I wrote 9,5 and not 10. I really do know what everything I have ever heard of in Tekkit is and how it works, except for some little useless details. Again, you don't have to answer, but I'd appreciate it.
  4. I'm not satisfied with that answer, but I guess you don't care enough to say more. Fair enough.
  5. Sorry, I really don't understand what I did wrong. Would you mind explaining?
  6. IGN: krakasb009 Age: 15 Skype(optional): I may tell in-game Tekkit experience(1-10): 9,5 Time Zone: GMT+1 (Central Europe) How much time do you plan on playing per day?: 2-5 hours a day, wildly varying. The build you are most proud of?: A giant factory, making High Voltage Solar Arrays, MFSUs and quantum armour, all with the only input being a little bit of time. Why do you think our server is right for you?: I'm looking for a small server at the moment, I just need a break from all those big ones I've been in lately. With so few limitations and that kind of small community (if I'm right) this one seems ideal.
  7. Minecraft Name: krakasb009 Do you have any bans on record?: No If so, Why?: --
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