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About Pixelgent

  • Birthday 02/24/1990

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Dirt (1/9)



  1. ***SERVER IS IN CURRENTLY IN TESTING*** ***THIS MEANS CRASHES AND LAG IS BOUND TO HAPPEN*** ***I WILL DO MY BEST TO GET TO ANY ISSUES ASAP*** ***I ASK THAT IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING LAG PLEASE LET ME KNOW AS THIS IS PART OF THE TESTING*** SERVER ADDRESS - MC.PIXELGENT.COM RULES - NO GRIEFING - NO STEALING OTHERS STUFF - NO SPAMMING - PVP IS FINE BUT BE RESPECTFUL This is a server i'm currently testing. Im trying to build a small community of people who play well together and can have some fun. The server is currently open to all without a whitelist, this will change once testing is over. No Teamspeak, Skype, or Mumble will be provided at this time but will be enabled after testing has commenced. You are welcome to record stream or use any other forms of media with the server. Please don't grow to attached to what your making because the servers map will be reset once testing is over. The server will be up as much as possible the only time the server will go down is due to crashing, updating and or maintenance. I will be online when I can. If you have any feedback or suggestions let me know. Thank you and welcome.
  2. IGN - willywilson Skype - Pixelgent I'm looking for a server with a smaller community of mature players where I can just have some fun. Single player is getting boring. I don't know the exact times I would be able to play as I am self employed but I should be able to play for a couple of hours a day no problem. I would also like to join a server for another reason being a texture pack showcase, I like to work on texture packs and would like to make a couple for this mod pack but I like seeing the textures on things that people have actually built not just test crap on a single player world. I started working on the Greatwood Pack for FTB but lost interest because I stopped playing. I would also like to work on a dandelion pack as well. http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1435220-16x14-greatwood-r4j-191012/ http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1520670-16x173174-dandelion-biomes-o-plenty-support-updated-1215/ (I will most likely work on dandelion first because it already had biomes-o-plenty support, but a lot of the things for Greatwood FTB can just be ported over.) This is the greatwood pack https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/19424785/Greatwood%20FTB/2012-12-02_02.png https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/19424785/Greatwood%20FTB/2012-11-30_14.14.png
  3. I am so sorry guys, here ya go. Im still working on it but atm im trying to win an ouya dev unit as well as doing other texturepacks. If you could help me out by retweeting about my ouya game that ive been working on to win the dev unit that would be great. download link for texture pack below https://dl.dropbox.com/u/19424785/Summerfeild Teck/SummerFields [TEDIT V-1.0].zip let me know if theres any issues. oh yea and heres the other lithumsound texture pack patch im working on, Greatwood. This ones a tekkit and FTB one so lots an lots to do. note the black lines on the hopper are not actually there, there just me showing the mod creator how to make the model so that the texture doesnt skew really bad like it is.
  4. Alright all i have left is the tainted stuff and im done for first release i do plan on going through all the mods so just be patient and ill get it done after this first release you wont hear anything for a week or so though because i will be in disneyland but i will be back with more after that. (sorry no pics this time) and no luck with the oil as of yet.
  5. uh fixed? sorry not sure what you mean all the ores are done though. Im almost done with everything from the overworld and should have something out tomorrow. Im going to scrap that rubberwood for sure its not doing it for me. Also for those who know is it possible to change the texture on the oil? i cant seem to find where it is. Also thanks to demagoggles for the indigo flowers im using the ones you did right now ill be editing them a bit but i think for the most part im going to keep them the same if you don't mind.
  6. I started making this one a couple days ago, im using the old smooth stone and using the new one as marble just tweaked. When im donw with everything that naturally spawns in the overworld for all the mods ill release the first part.
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