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Everything posted by nike_the_sayin

  1. ok ask koiki and she will tell you, so will shadow, and ask some other people on this server and i have never greifed or argued or fought to much, heck i have never griefed once.
  2. here, if i give you proof will you give me a refund ....
  3. i read the rules and hell and piss are not cuss words, nor are crap, crud, dipwad, or anything else considering half of your mods and admins diregard this inculoding "bsing, fu**ing, a**, b**ch and many others and i called him stupid because he would not accept what i said, even koi admitted what happened was probablu her fault and i had proof to, we lost over 10,000 dollars in profit by losing our three mk3s and a condensor and a geothermal generator, an mfe, and three other machines and all the blocks that were there after the crash acted like machines have fun with your server and be forewarned. i will tell the people the truth even if it means starting a war. i do not argue with fools and right now i am telling you, go lick a minecraft cows backsde and friggin leave me the heck alone before i break my number one rule.
  4. to all readers, read before and you will see i have dealt wit mod abuse. this server seemed really great and it is, but be forewarned. the owner will ban you if you defy him even slightly. the admins warn you about you using simple and mild curse words like hell. i was admitted back onto this server after a long war between simple and i but me and simple stopped because i was willing to. my main problem was that recently me and my friend started a town, not only was our first town stolen by hacks but mods wouldnt get rid of the other town saying hacks couldnt happen. when we started our town it wascool, we had booze barrels, mk3s and all those good things, then a mod who we found hilarious was joking around with a skin changing thing. we all crashed however and our whole town somehow was partially erased. we had proof, blocks that were acting like protected machines, things that we could get booze from, and we asked for a refund and not only did they laugh at us, when i asked to speak to the owner let me qoute what i said "i would like to speak with the owner and only the owner because this admin is annoying me". i was warned for that and after i told them that i would like a refund they laughed and laughed. i claimed i would end this server without violence, hacking, or griefing. be forewarned of the dangers of this server because they are going to take your rights away. koiuki i in no way blame you for this.
  5. @rowow sounds like simple he tends to over react... to everything.... heck if i dropped a peice of dirt in spawn hed probably jail me.... so far he banned me, jailed me, warned me twice and only shut up when i threatened to have him demoted. he really just makes everything somene does wrong to the point of banning....
  6. thank you marty, when i said nice mods i meant you and thank you for your kindness. i dont want a fuss about simple i just know originally he i wasan ok friend with him then he "forgot me" after the server restarted and afterwards caused some trouble. and out of question marty has that town problem been fixed? if it isnt it doesnt matter to much, thank you.
  7. rowow we had proof you griefed shuddup
  8. i also ask you simple to not answe me in "hmphs" and "i guesses" just because you dont like me fighting against your tryanny. i do not like the way you do your job as a mod and even another mod i talked to said you over reacted way to much. i would ask you please to shut up and get out of my face and go play minecraft in the way it should be, happily without whining about stupid things like face time problems!!!
  9. some simple thats crud, i have touched nothing and no you claimed i griefed origanally and i cannot grief jail which is part of spawn as well as being BEDROCK! i am still banned and i do not find it right to be banned for no reason espically for being a fasley claimed griefer! i will not accept it and i do not agree that i should be banned without first a fair trial and PROOF that i have griefed considering i did nothing to anyones homes or shops except my OWN! now i would ask that simple be demoted for first banning me, jailing me, claiming i griefed! and over reacting to me saying HE** by jailing me!, when he wouldnt get out of my buisness and home! i would ask that you please shut up and leave me alone simple and that i be unbanned since i have done NOTHING so far and nobody has proof i have done anything!!!! i hav not yet been unbanned if i have then i was banned again. thank you, nike_the_sayin
  10. i believe its nike_the_sayin yeah, thank you, im sorry if i caused a bit of trouble with this but simple has just been on my back for a few days now and i can not handle it.
  11. hello, i was a happy player on this server, mods are nice, so are the admins, its amazing. i LOVE it, HOWEVER, i was recently banned for trumped up charges. i told a guy to go away and he was a mod so he first gave me a warning, a kick then a jail. he jailed me for "snotty griefing" if that isnt stupid enough when i touched nothing he ALSO banned me recently stating i griefed three towns and a shop which i partially owned. his name is some simple stuff and he went under another name as well. i am asking the owner to please demote him and let me back on the server because i wish to come back and enjoy my time on tekkit with a good friend and enjoy it like tekkit should be enjoyed.
  12. i hope you read this still allstar, i want you to listen hard and listen well, i was BANNED by eliot for him breaking my wall and blaming me! he BANNED ME for BREAKING MY OWN WALL... now if thats not jerkish enough i want you to think long and hard about this as well, i only show respect to people who deserve it, and did eliot show me any respect at all NO. i warn all the people who plan to join this server, there is no tpa no /back, and the mod Eliot_ loves mocking people who respect truth and justice sincerely Nike Tsuki -_-
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