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Everything posted by Arne

  1. Member App: IGN: arne_saknussemm Age: 30 Country/Timezone:America, Eastern Tekkit Experience: 1-2 years Reason for joining: Want a server that is going to keep on keeping on. Have you read the rules: Yes How long have you played tekkit: About 2 years. What you feel you can contribute: Experience in Tekkit. Conversation. Time you can contribute to the server: Once a day for a few hours.
  2. Minecraft Name: arne_saknussemm Age: 30 Country: Maryland USA Why do you want to join: This is the type of server I think I am looking for. If you got MCbans, explain your bans: None I have no bans on any server.
  3. I would like to join this server. IGN arne_saknussemm
  4. Username : arne_saknussemm Age: 31 Country/Timezone: USA Years playing Minecraft : 3 - 4 Previous op/mod experience? : no What you feel you can contribute : Good builder and experienced tekkit user. Time you can contribute to the server : 3-4 hours a day Do you have any Mysql, Java, or HTML experience? How many years? : No. Digital graphics artist. 10 years. Other information you feel may be pertinent : None.
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