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Everything posted by xxxtina

  1. WHAT THE FUCK VIMTO!!! Haze banned me for no damn reason! >:[
  2. Hey Vimto! Will you please rank me back up to server builder? I have been on vacation recently so I haven't been able to get online, so sorry for the inactivity please do what you can!
  3. The server is transferring to a new host, so you will have to WAIT (gasp!) for the server to finish transferring to a new host.
  4. The server send out an automated message saying to post applications on the forums, but you told me not to post mine here? Is it talking about the server website forums or these forums, just asking. :D
  5. When will the server be back up and running, if not soon will you please white list me on the server (Employed)xxxtina
  6. Oh, So that's a no . Well thank you for reading it anyways!
  7. Hi, I noticed that you posted 7 minutes ago that you have only reached 12 players and I was wondering if that included staff also. I just wan't to mention that I am not asking for a rank, but Here is a reason that you should grant me the opportunity to help out the server with whatever tasks it is facing, plus I am very creative and I have a big idea for a halloween theme that I am very much wanting to share with you. [APP] Age: 15 - I turn 16 On January 11th Username: xxxtina Played on the server: Yes Have I been banned on a server: No Why should you choose me: First of all, I am very very dedicated and can get on each and every day of the week unless my computer breaks and I doubt that. I am a very mature player and very helpful. I do not tolerate griefing, hacking, glitching, or modding. I am a very helpful person; If someone ask's me a question, I will always respond if I see it. I do listen to the players and what they have to say about what has happened to their property and try to get the problem or problems resolved. I have been a mod, admin, and Co-Owner on server's until they were discontinued. I am very trustworthy and will not cheat in any way to help the players with getting items unless approved by higher ranks. I never fight nor have problems with other players on any server because I am a very friendly person. What position do I wan't to be: I would like to start off as a basic staff member but if I succeed in my position to be promoted to a higher staff rank. Thank you for your time and for reading this application and giving me the change to become a high rank on the server. :D
  8. [APP] Age: 15 - I turn 16 On January 11th Username: xxxtina Played on the server: Yes Have I been banned on a server: No Why should you choose me: I am a very mature player and very helpful. I do not tolerate griefing, hacking, glitching, or modding. I am a very helpful person; If someone ask's me a question, I will always respond if I see it. I do listen to the players and what they have to say about what has happened to their property and try to get the problem or problems resolved. I have been a mod, admin, and Co-Owner on server's until they were discontinued. I am very trustworthy and will not cheat in any way to help the players with getting items unless approved by higher ranks. I never fight nor have problems with other players on any server because I am a very friendly person. What position do I wan't to be: I would like to start off as just a Moderator but if I succeed in my position to be promoted to an Admin. Thank you for your time and for reading this application and giving me the change to become a high rank on the server. :D
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