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About The_Gallicien

  • Birthday 02/21/1995

The_Gallicien's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Post the whole Chat logs in here, let the people judge them
  2. i wasn't reffering to the server rules, but to common sense, Asking for respect is like trying to make people eat rotten meat
  3. Thank you now that i see, i've forgotten to put my skype, it's Guillermo Varela GarcĂ­a (gallicien)
  4. Respect is not a rule Why didn't oyu continue the last part of it where i complained that i couldn't bury my quarry due to him putting me in jail? ooooh yeah, because like this, you make me look guilty also, 2 things, what's the point of the rule, and if you ask for respect, SHOW IT
  5. you're just proving me right... well, whetever, just keep going that way, the server is going to die soon...
  6. i was trying to bury down the quarry, whilst saying that i didn't agree with it, then i get jailed, using the excuse that i had 3 hours to bury it, sorry, but that is not being fair, you do with the server what you want and that's no community wise
  7. IGN: Guilleee Age: 17 Skype(optional): Tekkit experience(1-10): 7-8 Time Zone: Gtm (+1) How much time do you plan on playing per day? 1-2 hours on it, maximum The build you are most proud of? my awesome griender-smelter that can smelt over 15 diferent types of ores (even tho there are only 7) Why do you think our server is right for you? Why shouldn't it be? i've been always looking for a small server, and i've always found bad open servers...
  8. i May regret this latter, but i've been playing 1 week perfectly, with no people doing anything bad, until today, when a moderator came and just gave me a Jail for just being sarcastic, second, stupid rules being made in 1 day, giving just 3 hours to abid them, you pressume being a good server... You got an awesome population... But the admins are Morons... You can delete my account's info, I'm Guilleee, i don't even wanna bother to play again, this just crosses the line...
  9. Hello there Blackie, i've been wondering about 2 things, is it possible to be a mod at the time? if so, what are the requirements one must follow, i would love to help this server, by far the best i've seen and second, have you ever tought about opening a website, or an independent forum for the server?
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