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Everything posted by F_Nietzsche

  1. It appears that this discussion simply rides on a matter of opinion. You seem to have a problem with what condensers are capable of, thereby any machine that utilizes one is "duping" in your mind. Fair enough, I can see your point. But again, there is a difference between using glitches to dupe, and using intended game mechanics to "dupe" through emc production.
  2. Glitch: using bad code for a result that is undesired by the game creators. This method utilizes game mechanics that, to my knowledge, is not the result of faulty code. Powerflowers do the exact same thing, simply slower. What's the harm in improving upon intended mechanics? For those of you who want to go out and mine every material for your base, quit playing tekkit. Tekkit is meant to mechanize a number of processes so that you do not have to do them yourself. That is simply what I am doing here--mechanizing emc production. Example: Quarries mine for you. Where is the work? Collectors create EMC for free. Where is the work? Condensers turn one item into another so that you do not have to go out and find it yourself. Again, where is the work? Answer: the work comes upfront from the production of the machine. Some machines are cheaper to build, and often the cheaper it is the less you will get out of it. This method is relatively expensive to build, and you will get quite a bit of return out of it. I fail to see the difference between what I have built and a souped up Powerflower or Quarry being pumped into a condenser.
  3. EE converts the emc of one item into another. 8,000 some odd cobblestone will turn in to a diamond. Last time I checked, that's a lot of work for 1 diamond. However, duping "glitches" allow you to take any item, including red matter and make extra w/o some other sort of input--whether that be time from a machine (power flower, emc generator, etc) or resources of converting one material into another. Using a duping glitch, I could create thousands of Red matter in only a few minutes. Using this method, or other methods for generating EMC, takes far more time--the goal is only to discover means for reducing the amount of time required without actually stepping into the realm of using glitches. As for using up all of a server's resources--I have yet to see this. A buddy of mine created an EMC generator like the one observed in the video. I had no problem running mine at the same time, as well as a large scale UU-Matter generator and a Coolant Cell generator. Furthermore, several serves I have recently checked have a list outlining items that are banned. Almost every server I have checked has indeed banned the black hole band (for a duping glitch) while they have not banned the other necessary items.
  4. If you run 3 pedestals, you WILL get the void of infinite lag, as mentioned in the video. However, 2 pedestals are a stable system. Have tested this on servers and ran for hours with no observable problem. Servers with slightly more lag will occasionally have a slight lag period where the system falls behind, but it quickly remedies itself and continues producing EMC. For servers that this occurs on, you can either accept the lag periods or at the cost of EMC you can reduce down to 1 pedestal (which I have yet to see produce lag). Furthermore, the Black Hole Band is often a banned item as there is currently a duping glitch that utilizes this item. However, there are not similar problems with the Harvest Goddess Band, nor is there a problem with the Gem of Eternal Density. Server owners that are aware of this will often ban items that allow duping glitches, but not other items. Thus, I am sure there are plenty of servers out there with the Black Hole Band as a banned item, while allowing the others. If I am mistaken, I welcome you to disprove my theory!
  5. As the title says, I developed a variation for the Reed EMC farm that uses other methods than the black hole band to collect the reeds. This system is somewhat more efficient than other variations as it can continuously run with 2 pedestals active as well as there being 8 reeds growing rather than 7. Link is as follows:
  6. Hmm. Another good point. The server I play on has banned nukes, but not nuclear reactors (and the resulting explosions when they overload). Thus the system I invented. I suppose it's not a 100% system for every server, but those that ban nukes to prevent griefing, and whom have factions enabled should find this system works quite well. (going to start working on a way to prevent those nuke cannons now--think I have an idea in the works). :)
  7. The idea is to use it on a server with factions enabled. You place the oil curtain within your faction claimed territory and no one but you can place blocks within the wall of oil. On a server without factions enabled, you are right--it would be useless.
  8. I actually created a method for building a nuclear resistant (self regenerating) wall. Doing a little more research and I came across this post and thought it might be relevant: especially as it utilizes game mechanics talked about most recently (that of where you can place oil. Here's the link to my video:
  9. Lol, it would be an awful EMC farm. About 2 squid will fall every minute or so, more with a larger wall. If you were trying to EMC farm off creatures it would be far easier to set up a creature generator that didn't require quite this much scale.
  10. I've been spoiled. My server has EE enabled: the thought never occurred to me. However, I feel like properly placed obsidian piping would actually be far easier and cheaper than building a bunch of transposers.
  11. Don't forget that oil acts as a spawn location for Squid. Always interesting to see them raining down with this design. My only guess would be that whoever coded oil used some of the code for water as a shortcut and didn't change everything. Thus, the similarities.
  12. First, it's possible, and I've done it. Rather simple and considerably cheap as well. I have done a lot of research, and not many people have posted on this topic. However, it seems rather important on faction protected servers that are not grief proof. Through creative use of game mechanics, I believe I am the first person to create a nuclear resistant (self regenerating) wall. The following Youtube video explains: I hope you enjoy, and I welcome comments and discussion on what I have created. ~Nietzsche (This is meant for servers with the Faction plugin enabled)
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