Banned Items:
1. Destruction Catalyst > Can be used as a Griefing tool
2. Catalystic Lens > Its the same as "Destruction Catalyst" but MORE powerful
3. Gem Armor > Can by-pass the protection system
4. Mercurial Eye >
5. Ring Of Arcana > Lag,Grief etc..
6. Void Ring > Lag
7. Zero Ring > Lag & Making everything snow
8. Black Hole Band > Duplication Bug
9. Ring Of Ignition > Grief & Lag
10. Red Morning Star > Can be used as grief tool
11. Red Katar > Too much damage
12. Red/Dark Matter Hammer > Can be used as a griefing tool
13. Gem of Eternal Density > Making Lag
14. Evertide/Volcanite Amulet > Can do griefing
15. World Anchor > Keeps chunk loaded
16. Wireless Receiver/Transmitter/Jammer > Lag
Just curious, if you're hosting a vanilla minecraft server why are you posting on the tekkit forums?
Thanks, i know you'll correct this post-haste.