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Everything posted by jurwan10

  1. Re: ۞ TekkitCraft ۞ [100 SLOT] [PvP/PvE] [Multiverse] [Protection] [Economy] [ you really have to delete the whole mod? you can just block the griefcapable stuff right?? would be really sad is you cant use the mod
  2. Re: ۞ TekkitCraft ۞ [100 SLOT] [PvP/PvE] [NoWhitelist] [Protection] [Economy] Trololo Just got the same thing happen again, without the filter It seems its a glitched airblock or its a bug with a piece of cable and a machine since there was nothing now no filter or no extractor, this time it was a macerator. rollback since i came on today it will be ok Sorry again for the work couldt predict this either. Greets, jurwan10.
  3. Re: ۞ TekkitCraft ۞ [1337 SLOTS] [PvP] [NoWhitelist] [Protection] [Economy] Herro my ferrow mineclaftels! I crashed out and i know why (Hope i didnt crash everybody out(Probably my town people did...) The problem is= In my chunk i placed an extractor. In front of it was standing: A filter, Which has the pull side towards the extractor. I think this glitches out and then my client crashes. If You guys are able to Replace the filter for something like cobblestone. i think the problem would be fixed. Sincerely, jurwan10 Ps. Sorry Server people for crashing you out of the game/ having work from it fixing this.
  4. Re: ۞ TekkitCraft ۞ [24/7] [PvP] [NoWhitelist] [Towny] [Eco/shops] [LWC] [Citizens] IGN:Jurwan10 Age:16(17 within a week) Basic Tekkit/pluginknowledge?:ALOT Continent from:Europe Other:i like tekkit.
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