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About Max5081

  • Birthday 10/17/2001

Max5081's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. hay whats the ip and im not a griefer i like flans mod

  2. I read your post about the server with flans mod. It sounds really cool! can you pm me

    1. build4god


      dude did you get da ip

  3. Launcher Version: Platform Build 203 Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium (More on system in error log) Java Version: Java 7, Update Antivirus Program: AVG Description of Problem: Whenever I try and use this (http://www.technicpack.net/api/modpack/custom-village) modpack, made by me, a error pops up, "Unexpected Error!" and then has the option to close the launcher, or generate it on pastebin. Error Messages: Unexpected Error! Error Log: (I think this is it) Technic Launcher Error Report: ( Please submit this report to https://github.com/TechnicPack/TechnicLauncher/issues ) Launcher Build: 203 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Stack Trace: Exception: EOFException Message: null Trace: java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream.readUByte(Unknown Source) java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream.readUShort(Unknown Source) java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream.readHeader(Unknown Source) java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream.<init>(Unknown Source) java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream.<init>(Unknown Source) org.spoutcraft.diff.JBPatch.bspatch(JBPatch.java:94) org.spoutcraft.launcher.util.MinecraftDownloadUtils.downloadMinecraft(MinecraftDownloadUtils.java:71) org.spoutcraft.launcher.UpdateThread.updateMinecraft(UpdateThread.java:319) org.spoutcraft.launcher.UpdateThread.runTasks(UpdateThread.java:123) org.spoutcraft.launcher.UpdateThread.run(UpdateThread.java:108) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- System Information: Operating System: Windows 7 Operating System Version: 6.1 Operating System Architecture: amd64 Java version: 1.7.0_11 64 bit Total Memory: 203 MB Max Memory: 1365 MB Memory Free: 24 MB CPU Cores: 4
  4. i'm looking for a server to play voltz so if i can join pm me

  5. I think it would be cool to join your server.

  6. You start a converstation on a person's profile.
  7. I would like to join the server so if u could pm me or tell me in the conversation that would be nice

  8. hey i want to join ur server please,i like flans mod and animal bikes


  9. Everyone, please PM me asking to join! I can't say my server IP and stuff here, in fear of griefers.
  10. Okay, sounds cool.
  11. The server is "full", meaning there are to many people PMing me, but, later on I may accept more people in, you see, I'm not used to watching over loads of people on a server... Nothing personal or anything! If I get a fair amount of PMs, I'll open another Voltz server, (with a little less RAM allocated) and have it open to 20 people at a time. But for now, I can't take any more people into my main server. Sorry. I got a Voltz MP Server with three extra mods, TrainCraft, Flan's Mod, and Animal Bikes Mod. I use a Custom Zip URL to get the mods to clients, and I mod the server myself. It's been lonely a lot, because my friend hasn't been getting on. I was wondering if anyone wants to join? You WILL have to PM me, if I post the IP and Custom Zip URL here, in a reply or on the thread, some troll will come on and screw up the main reactor, or something. Some things you should know: 1: You WONT be oped as soon as you join for obvious reasons... 2: You WILL NOT be allowed into the main reactor. If you get in without permission, I will kick and ban you from the server. 3: You WILL get ALMOST any plane and weapon. 4: You WILL be able to get onto the Star Ship (WIP, not a lot to see) 5: You WILL get SOME animal bikes. 6: You WILL get access to all traincraft trains, and the zeppelin. 7: You WILL get the ground transports. 8: You WILL be able to be my gunner when I pilot the bomber. So yea. ALSO! The Custom Zip may get changed with new mods and stuff every now and then, I'm thinking of adding the CCTV Camera Mod if it's 1.4.7, so if you have Steam or Roblox, TELL ME and I can add you to my friends list to keep you updated! IT IS OPEN TO 10 PLAYERS! ANY MORE WILL START TO LAG MY COMPUTER! (It isn't the BEST) PM me if you want to join. Just reply asking for the custom zip URL for it.
  12. Oh okay, sorry, I'm not good at finding the right sections for posting about stuff.. Thanks for letting me know! And cool about how my post makes ya want to get on my server... Do you want to come now?
  13. [READ THE WHOLE POST!] I got a Voltz MP Server with three extra mods, TrainCraft, Flan's Mod, and Animal Bikes Mod. I use a Custom Zip URL to get the mods to clients, and I mod the server myself. It's been lonely a lot, because my friend hasn't been getting on. I was wondering if anyone wants to join? You WILL have to PM me, if I post the IP and Custom Zip URL here, in a reply or on the thread, some troll will come on and screw up the main reactor, or something. Some things you should know: 1: You WONT be oped as soon as you join for obvious reasons... 2: You WILL NOT be allowed into the main reactor. If you get in without permission, I will kick and ban you from the server. 3: You WILL get ALMOST any plane and weapon. 4: You WILL be able to get onto the Star Ship (WIP, not a lot to see) 5: You WILL get SOME animal bikes. 6: You WILL get access to all traincraft trains, and the zeppelin. 7: You WILL get the ground transports. 8: You WILL be able to be my gunner when I pilot the bomber. So yea. ALSO! The Custom Zip may get changed with new mods and stuff every now and then, I'm thinking of adding the CCTV Camera Mod if it's 1.4.7, so if you have Steam or Roblox, TELL ME and I can add you to my friends list to keep you updated! IT IS OPEN TO 10 PLAYERS! ANY MORE WILL START TO LAG MY COMPUTER! (It isn't the BEST) PM me if you want to join. Just reply asking for the custom zip URL for it. The replies asking to join will be ignored, because I said, PM ME. [server recently has gotten full. I will post if it empties.]
  14. Did that sort of once. A griefer had been joining our server every now and then, so we used the camo blocks, set them stuff goes threw, made them grass blocks, basically did what you did, and we launched it when he joined. Missile flew threw and hit him. He was like "GUYS WHAT WAS THAT FOR? UGH THIS IS THE WORST SERVER EVER, OH AND BTW I WAS GRIEFING." We laughed so hard... Also, good idea, never thought of that. I also have been messing with the new custom zip support and stuff... We now have Flan's Mod with... Three-Five content packs, and the Animal Bikes mod. But, my friend hasn't been on lately... So it's been lonely... I've just been napalming forests and watching them burn. (Don't spam bombs... Crashed the server... xD)
  15. 1: I just kinda wanted ideas, and/or to chat... 2: Sorry if in wrong forum, but I doubt I am... OKAY! I recently made a custom ZIP that has TrainCraft in it, and I put it on my Voltz server, where me and my friend have made this amazing reactor, made a shield generator for it, gave it a defense system, and flat out decked it out. Now, with TrainCraft, we can transport items either air-wise with the zeppelin it adds, make a underground railway to transport the items needed to run the reactor, but it would need a person to "pilot" it. I know it is sort-of possible to do this with railcraft, but it needs a lot of redstoning. Any ideas/suggestions or anything is appreciated. (Also, this is one of my first thread posts, so please don't explode on me if I did something wrong. Thanks.)
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