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About rowanmc19

  • Birthday 08/04/1991

rowanmc19's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Title: Wrath lamp block corruption with world edit Version: 0.5.1 OS: Windows Java Version: latest version Description of Problem: When w.e meets a wrath lamp it usually turns invisible and can cause block/database corruption Error Messages: Error Log:
  2. -Bump Im having the same issue, does anyone have a solution?
  3. !. Pvp server, its to be expected people die. 2, If the admin wasnt doing anything it was a legal kill an therefore your argument is invalid.
  4. Is there anyway to fix/prevent thin besides bannind the engines/removing the mod capapbilities?
  5. i can access the wind turbine in the staff area and remove the component in it

  6. Dissagree with these recomendations, There appear to be no issues with induction furnaces, perhapse your game/server has a bug? Power armour is not an issue ban worthy, just needs meddeling in the config files so your comp looks more specifically that "Moving too fast" Good Banned Items: Nuke Industrial TNT All Dynamite Mining Laser Anchors (use teleport tethers) Also a good idea to disable the tree capitator on a public server ;)
  7. Hello, just got on your server today, looks like you got your work cut out for you. Only thing i found dissapointing so far is /buyclaimblocks for greif prevention is disabled, its a great feature that i advise you incoperate. Additionally, if your looking to take on staff i'd love to help out a budding new server, I am currently a mod on a great tekkit server, so I have some experience with mod duties. Let me know if you are interested. Lastly, do you have/are you going to have a website for the server? Good luck, Rowan
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