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Everything posted by inviktus

  1. You DID say Tekkit though, so you can understand my confusion Thanks, I checked it out.
  2. I mean on http://www.technicpack.net/tekkit/ under mods, there is no transformers mod listed. Also transformers was introduced to replace forestry.. it said so on that page that you linked me. Tekkit != Technic
  3. Ah I see... thanks. So how come Transformers isn't in Tekkit? Not bukkit compatible?
  4. What exactly did you do? I may have to force the people who play on my server to do this, as I really really really want electric engines.
  5. Well, I left out the part where my server runs MineOS Crux.. So my problem may be unique to me. MineOS is weird, and runs the server out of one directory, we'll call this directory A, and keeps the world data, plugins, mods and other crap in another (directory .. its odd but there you go. The problem was that I had the config files in only one of the directories. It makes no sense to me at all, but when I put the config files in both directories, it worked. I'm now playing on a flawless tekkit server of my own creation :D
  6. I tried that to no avail, sadly. *edit* I have solved the problem, could this thread be deleted please? :)
  7. Greetings Scientists, I am setting up a tekkit server for myself and some buddies, however I am having a bit of a rough time figuring out some errors I'm getting in the console. Here is a pastie of said problem (scroll to bottom) http://pastie.org/5122844 Any help would be greatly appreciated. All files and stuff are in their respective places AFAIK. This is the first time I've run a tekkit server, but I have run bukkit servers in the past.
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