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Everything posted by pankac3

  1. Hey guys! I've never been much for online play, but this is by far the best server I've ever played on. I'm not saying all this because someone told me to, but because I want to. This server is worth your time to get onto. You will meet great people, experience tremendous creativity spikes and nurture relationships with lots of people. I have made friends on this server and I would be foolish to quit this server for any reason whatsoever. The administrators are always kind, helpful, and actually care about you as a person. There is virtually no lag, and the buildings are fantastic! I would be honored if all reading this came onto the server and played alongside me, and it is my dearest hope that we can keep expanding our player base. I can't hope to come close to what Guis said, (see above) but all I can say is welcome!
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