So far I've enjoyed playing Hexxit quite a lot, it's a nice change of pace from the tech heavy mod packs which are so prevalent lately. The problem I'm having though is that there is no clear definition of gear tiers. In vanilla the progression of armor is leather<gold<iron<diamond, but now there's fur, scale, metal plated scale, chocobo disguise armor, cloth armor, multiple meteor armors, at least 4 different twilight forest armor sets, 3 different Hexxit special armor sets, and more.
Many of these mods add armor and weapons to the game without any information about how they stack up to other armors. Do a NEI search for "bow" and you'll find that there's at least 10 different bows to use now. Perhaps it's obvious that iron bows would be better than vanilla wooden ones, but where do nether material bows stack up against diamond ones? Is an ender sword dropped by a boss of a better dungeons castle better than a diamond sword? What exactly are the set bonuses of the Hexxit armors? How about the new enchants available?
Can anyone tell me what the best equipment is?