Ingame username: BrianChew
Age: 12
Are you experienced in tekkit?: No,I just found out about tekkit not long ago
Do you wish to play on cubenation? Yes
We are also looking for staff, are you willing to help?: Ok doesn't mean that im 12 means that i can't be staff, First off is there a age limit for staff? If not.... I was Ex- Head Overseer on a community i wish to tell you personally,I do not want to advertise here.Most may ask why was i a ex? did i abuse? or got demoted due to something else? I resigned from (community i will tell dotj personally)
due to having exams really really round the corner,and if you want to ask me what server i managed in (community) it was SMP,if you don't know what SMP is it is Survival multi player obviously in minecraft and i am SURE that i will help this community out as well,i know it is hard to run a community, i've tried it once before.... It failed :/ But anyways i Hope you can consider my application as a moderator seriously... Ok i made this format on my own...
In-game name: BrianChew
Any alternate accounts?: Nope
Timezone: GMT 8+
Why should i become a moderator: I personally think that i should become a moderator because Firstly,This server is looking for staff, and not just any staff, BUT Reliable staff. I know that every server owner can't possibly yet trust someone with a moderator or admin.Who knows what that moderator or admin would do with that power? Screw the server up? Ban everyone? So i think i am a reliable staff to this community,I will enforce the rules,Moderate Chat. and most importantly, Fix griefs ( well i don't know about you but the community i was in before allowed moderators to fix griefs with hawk eye) and BTW, I know how to use hawk eye it is a VERY good umm... Kind of "Grief-Fixing" Plugin so i really suggest you get it.I know no admins would tolerate Abuse.If I EVER spot any staff abusing,Would personally grab evidence to Show it to the owner of the server,as i don't want the awesome server to be ruined.
Why would i do if i became a moderator: I would enforce the rules to no matter who it is,EVEN if a staff break a rule,I think he should be punished.I would also go around looking for griefs and fix it ASAP.I would too be both active in-game and on the forums,I would also be helping any new players with the best of my abilities and finally Know every command and the rightful way to use it.
Signed : BrianChew
Sorry for posting this here.. I am working to make a post on the forums