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About daanr321

  • Birthday 12/23/1998

daanr321's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. sorry wrong button but its me:daanr321 Do you wish to play on cubenation? of course We are also looking for staff, are you willing to help?(optional) i would like too but idk what they do D: what am I planning to reach? im planning a factory and i would like to have my own house get builded how smart am I? (scale 0-10) i think it is 6/6,5/7 are you interested in tekkit? i am realy interested I cant forget it and im playing even when my laptop is off I how this is enough information about me and if you want to know more let me know
  2. Ingame Name: daanr321 Age: 13 any bans?: a big 0 Are you good at tekkit?(scale 1-10):6 but im learning it What are you planning to achieve on our server? a big good running factory
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