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Everything posted by roboaedin

  1. No, actually, I don't. When I got on the computer and tried to join the server, I was IP banned. As in I got the message, not I was just banned. But the server reset. And it's down now. And when it reset, everybody lost everything. It was a full server reset. Not just the world.
  2. I meant that I DO know my IP, just that I have no idea how to get a proxy to work ._. I'm just confused on how to make it register as a different IP or actually using a different IP than my own.
  3. Okay. I didn't feel like counting all the little pixels.
  4. I think just re-downloading the launcher might work, though. I'm not sure.
  5. I found a fix. Just delete your '.techniclauncher' folder and the launcher and then re-download the launcher. That fixed it for me.
  6. I'm going to try completely delete me .techniclauncher folder and re-down it. I'll also delete the launcher.
  7. I've even (Gasp!) tried a cracked client! Normal Minecraft runs fine, but Tekkit won't ._.
  8. Didn't work... I could log in to minecraft.net just fine, but it says 'Can't connect to minecraft.net' and gives me the 'Play offline' option, and it says 'Oh noes! Our Tumblr feed is down!'
  9. For me and all the people I've seen, it just took all the mods but Forge away ._.
  10. That's true. The server is 3.1.3 but the client is 3.1.2. The main download link for the server is 3.1.3, but the rec. that people use is 3.1.2, and 3.1.3 doesn't have all of the mods in it.
  11. You're using the wrong Tekkit Server version. Go to 'technicpack.com/tekkit' and go to the 'Server' page on it and go to Previous Versions. Select 3.1.2; that's the current rec. build. The dev. build doesn't include all of the mods yet.
  12. 64x is higher definition. 32x is lower. I believe 12x or 8x is the default Minecraft texture packs resolution. 512x is the best you can get.
  13. Like that. Add spoiler tags. Error Log:
  14. I'm Admin and Op on the Tekkit server I'm trying to get back to. My bro got IP banned, so I just need enough time on the proxy server to unban the IP... but I can't get a working proxy and I don't know what IP to unban.
  15. My brother did the same to me, basically. He got mad that the world reset again and so an admin IP banned him. I've been begging on the site, but barely anybody knows the site. I'm Admin and op on the server, but I get the IP-ban message when I try to join. It won't count as 'ban evasion' because I'm not the one who was banned. It was my brother.
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