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About LegoCrazy7

  • Birthday 06/05/2002

LegoCrazy7's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. i have never played this sever but I was wanting to apply for a Admin so if yuo know how give me a aplication Thanks Excuse me yuo talking to me Hello I would like to apply for Admin my in-game name is legocrazy7 I have always enjoyed playing tekkit and it has been my dream to become a Admin on a tekkit sever.I have been op/ranked on 7 other severs so I have tons of xp.SO it would be nice to be able to do this Thanks! Mod edit: Stop wasting digital paper!
  2. legocrazy7 14 USA Im fair and Ive always obeyed things owners tell me Ive been staff on 7 other severs so I know all commands
  3. Name:legocrazy7 age:22 What do you wish to accmplish:I want to have a cool envioment to do my tekkit stuff Have you played 1C2 or buildcraft :Yes I have played both mods What is the purpose of a macerator: to double the ores you collect Reccommendations(if you have been invited): No I found it on the fourms Other things I should know:North America
  4. Taco i was wondering if you could unmute me i was muted for no reason and would wish to speak again.
  5. Minecraft Name: My Minecraft name is legocrazy7 Do you have any bans on record?: Yes one on nocreepers.net but i was framed If so why?: I was banned for griefing a dragon egg but i didnt do it
  6. i cnat seem to get past the password confirm i know my own password
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