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Everything posted by johnnyangel98

  1. no ign mean in game name not IGN thats the tm for the website
  2. IGN:ZiNk_x_J0sTeR Age:14 about to be 15 next month Skype(optional): Tekkit experience(1-10):9 Time Zone:US and Canada Central forget the gmt How much time do you plan on playing per day? about 3-4 hours which depends on how much school work I have to do The build you are most proud of? I made a huge castle it was like where I would put the render on extreme and it would lag and I can't even see how far the wall goes and another huge castle in the nether (In the same world) which is nice and has an awesome shadow to it. Why do you think our server is right for you?I'm sick and tired of the griefers and this is a little confined server with only 15 people I mean I can't pass this up and I am sick of the you know "Oh I'm cool i can have 2500 people" that pisses me off and the ranks and economy etc...
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