doubling item drops just screams out "Hey, can a dwarf race player come mine out my diamonds i found?", maybe just let dwarfs have "improved mining" where the tools just last x3 as long, and mine slightly faster. and gold pickaxes could be the best tool for a dwarf possibly?[it could last as long as half a diamond pickaxe? and mine as fast as a diamond pickaxe? BUT, this is only for dwarfs...]
its better that quary's cant be put on claimed land(the frame, the quary itself can be on the claimed land) and forestry is being removed so thats not an issue anymore
in multi-player, to make this work, you gotta all ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the block names to the list in the plugins folder, you will see, theres like a list of all the blocks, and there id's, just add every id, and your good too goo!
Note: if this doesn't belong here, could a mod move it please.
when the Mod API Comes out, will tekkit & technic still be continued? just curious as i am clueless on the topic, i have played garrys mod(has a API-Type thingy where you can just place mods into the addons folder and they work), and im curious about tekkit and such...
Also if there is a topic already regarding my question, could some one please link me to that topic, then a moderator/admin please remove the topic immediately.
i am unsure if its a known bug, but it seems to happen when i alt tab when playing tekkit, i can alt tab while using technic but not tekkit, i am using java 7(64-bit)[more specifically the windows java 7(64-bit) linked on] and i am curious if theres a solution or something....