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Rory (FrostyFreak)

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About Rory (FrostyFreak)

  • Birthday 08/19/1996

Rory (FrostyFreak)'s Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. IGN:FrostyFreak Reason for wanting to become a member?:I'm a friendly person always wanting to help out and the server has just what I need Will you follow the rules that we have set for this server?:I always follow the rules,rules are there for a reason so I see no point in breaking them
  2. IGN:FrostyFreak TIMEZONE:GMT England AGE:16 EXPERIENCE:I'm quite experienced,had about 8 months,but still wanting to learn REASON TO JOIN:I'd like to have a friendly server that I can have fun on :D
  3. FrostyFreak is my name and I can't think of anything that rhymes lol
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