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ars magica2 recipe issue 1.2


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dang looks like i now have a bigger problem... my world is now corrupt shortly after adventuring out looking for villages. it suddenly froze briefly while it was creating new chunks then completly crashed and shut down to main menu and now that world doesnt show up as an option. i even made a new world and went to look at recipe to check for conflicts and shortly after clicking on it the game freezes then shuts down every time. so from what i can see from the logs is seems like my game somehow had some important core files removed. if this is the case then hopefully saving my worlds in an external drive for backup then remove/ reinstall the entire game then that way i know i have all the major components for running the game. if this works ill repost. i really hope this does the trick. its possible that an anti malware special program detected something wrong with one of the files and removed it so if thats the case then this should fix it.

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k i re-installed the pack (and made new world) and i continue to have the issue with world not showing up and went to check recipes and again i click the same one from ars magica2 and it crashed the game. after i relaunched open eye did its thing and here is the link for what it gave me. (points to thermal expansion) http://openeye.openmods.info/crashes/6ca21591a8c41d7747690fee130c41fd


i would atttach the crash report but i dont see an option to do so. if there is a better thread i should post this on let me know since this clearly changed into a new problem unexpectedly.



looks like the game never loaded everything that is suppose to be in the magica pack i got so i think i will try get a new downloaded file for 1.6.4 then that should fix the crashing issue because the recipe i select requires items that dont even exist in game that are suppose to.

Edited by soderquist1
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I do not see an issue with posting that here, I do see an issue with how it was posted though. Move the log out of the post and over to a pastebin site.


* Use http://pastebin.com and paste the resulting URL in your post
* Use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste the resulting URL in your post


It is to prevent the posts from well, becoming the length it did for you and make it easier to navigate the information on this thread which could end up helping others.


And, could you give a bit of details on what you were doing right before the crash happened?

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ah k well i did try attaching it but the forum ever excepted the file as it was and i never knew about pastebin so i will use that next time.


anyways i was trying to explore my world for the mage towers from ars magica. i was using powersuit flight control since it moves at a pretty good speed. the crash has happened several times from exploring new (unexplored) areas. it just stops/freezes all the sudden while it is creating the new chunks and the last time like i said earlier corrupt the world so i cant see it in the menu. at the time i did have 2 quarries going so maybe i just had to much going on for the game/my computer to keep up so it crashed.


i dont really have a whole lot of stuff on that world that could cause problems except for the ae system with ender io auto smelting and breaking down all ores for me, and 1 big reactor 9x9 x18 with 12 turbines full size. i used to have about 40 or so pre chargers for several laser drills but i completely removed all but 2 drills with 4 chargers on each so that isnt nearly as taxing on the game like it used to be. turns out 1 quarry plus gathers resources faster then 12 laser drills combined so the quarries might have something to do with it.


but ya thats all i was doing just exploring new areas to find a mage tower.

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i noticed this witchwood forest biome causes a lot of lag on its own so that probably has something to do with my world crashing. there was an option in cfg thatt said turn off if witchwood causes lag and i did that but the lag pursists . what that optio did was turn off the particle effect comming off the trees that would cause lots of lag but since that is off i have no idea what part of the biome is still causing this lag :/

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